Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thoughts Nov. 15th. 2014

In the last week I have lost all faith in M.D."s (medical dumbshits).  How can your primary care dumbshit say he can't find anything wrong with you when you have the following? One hundred four temp. A rattle in your chest, Throbbing headache, Vomiting and diarrhea. Just because he can't see anything in a chest x-ray and no raised white blood count nor test results for flue. I have a appointment with a cardiologist next week and if he doesn't offer any help with my chronic shortness of breath and  inability to walk more then fifty feet, I won't go back to either. Sent me home to use my breathing treatments and tylonol.

Speaking of MD's just got word my daughter has been taken to the ER with irregular heartbeat.  Waiting to hear more at this time.

Hilarious, Bilery or is it Hitlery is still running with the backing of the banksters. She hasn't changed since she got fired from the Watergate probe for lack of ethics. Once a crooked lawyer always a crooked lawyer. Another thing though both her and Bull were and still are Republicans running in sheep's clothing. Either woman who ran from the Green Party are twice the woman she is.

Just heard abut another drug arrest locally. Two young college students got caught after a traffic stop with a ounce and a half of Pot. We have long since  lost the war on drugs. So why not legalize all of them? That way we can tax and regulate them like alcohol or tobacco. That and treat addiction like what it is. A medical problem and not a criminal problem.

Another fake war in the middle east. We created the ISIS, armed them and trained them, so why are we fighting them now. For that matter, what authority is the Presidunce using to send troops and planes into this conflict? As far as I know the last time this nation declared war was in 1941. So why are we still on a wartime basis in half the nations in the world?

Getting ready after a gap of 34 years to do a painting. My subject will be Grandmother. This will be from memory because I have long ago lost all of my pictures. Mom threw most of them away.

Been asked to teach based o my Elders Wisdom. Said yes but don't know how valuable my teaching would be.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thoughts 10/12/14

The politicians brag about our all val. military. While not raising taxes to pay for our wars. Not raising the amount of money to care for the wounded and people coming back. Not helping people to reenter society after being in hell over and over. Too many are coming back with one skill and only one skill. That skill is a professional killer. One mindset, do what your told when your told. One future, a minimum wage job or homeless on the street life.
Why because the big corporations have taken over our government and they have one mindset. That mindset is greed at all cost. From Main Street to the state houses to the Capitol and White House it is the banksters and corporations who own and operate our government. People who if they can't make a bigger profit, have no intention of sharing any money with the workers or to maintain our infrastructure. Thus we have income tax which by definition is a tax on profit. However that tax is now not on profits with corporations like Bank of America or GE not paying any tax. On the other hand those earning wages (Which ARE NOT PROFIT), have to carry the burden of government at all levels. Why because the invest in politicians through legalized bribes. So why do we keep reelecting the rats who have sold us out?

Bob Smith US Navy Ret. Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 10/12/2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thoughts 9/29/2014

More killing and other crimes by the C.O.P's Criminal of Permission. We need to in every state have a independent DA who runs a permanent grand jury who's only job is to investigate every use of force and bring charges against cops who misuse the badge.

The most valuable person in society is not the rich in money person, but the most compassionate among us.

If they want continuous war they had better bring it to a vote. Otherwise limit the military to it's constitutional job of defending against invasion.

Our Representative government has never worked because of who it represents. The Banksters and Wall Street racketeers have a better criminal organization the the Mafia ever did. They just buy our government.

Most of our so called leadership has the standard Amerikkkan religion. They worship the dollar.

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper 9/29/2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thoughts 9/9/2014

Support the troops. If someone says "Thank you for your service" to me one more time I might scream. "Support the troops" is another meaningless statement. How about supporting  them when they come home with limbs missing and nightmares that won't go away even in the daytime. How about supporting them when they need a job to support their families and afford food, clothing, education and medical help. I was one of the people who joined up to learn a trade and defend my country. I learned a trade ok. I learned to become a professional killer. I learned to invade nations that tried to better the living conditions and control the multinational corporations who run rough shod over their country and the people. I was a hired mercenary for the banksters who make the most money out of financing both sides in every war.

Yes "SUPPORT THE TROOPS" Bring them home, teach them how to create something lasting, speak out against injustice and crooked politicians, how to grow food and last but not least live in peace with them self and the community around them. Teach them how to wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom instead of in a cold sweat and shaking like a leaf with memories that won't go away.

"Thank you for your service", blowing apart people you don't know, people you ever met and people who are trying to kill you because you have invaded their country, killed their young men, women and children. Thank you for imposing your Democracy on people who had democracy before you came along. Thank you for being a paid assassin.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 14th. 2014

One of the greatest truths I have ever heard was this. "You are Gods." Not the old fashioned stern do as I say not as I do type of gods. Not the vengeful gods of yore. Nor the Gods who desire you devotion unwavering. Because it was the only words they had you were taught to believe in faith. Faith does not give you power over yourself or others, nor should it. Blindly believing is just another way to give power to others. Using fear and laws to control self and others is just plain wrong. For in that way lies only more fear and pain. Trying to manipulate and use others for your own gains bring neither happiness nor anything but more fear driven control.

So what do you replace faith with? Something that the Greeks and Romans, the Buddha's and the others did not have a word to describe. Something that has existed since the beginning of humankind. Something only given voice by poet's, artist and those we called insane or even worse witches and sorcerers. thoughts or even more real imagination.

Each of us needs to go deep within our self. We each need to see our ideal world. Populate it with things, songs, ideas and make it so real it becomes your goal in life. We then need to share our vision with others. Not just share but help them to create a vision for them self. then the two of you share your visions and incorporate that shared vision into each of you. Then you both must do the same over and over with others until it becomes the normal way of creating. When even ten of you share such ideals then they become reality. within a generation you can make those inner dreams and ideals reality.  You are no longer bound by stereotype, limited by convention, forced to play your role in life without any hope while here.

You no longer do what others desire, going along top get along. You have the capacity to build a world of peace, abundance and even love. You really become a god or goddess.

Use your imagination, share your world with others freely and as another who did the same said long ago "You will do all I did and more."

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and Human Being 8/14/2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 10th. 2014

The only way we are going to have world peace is for the United States to stop using it's military instead of diplomacy. The only way we are going to do that is to put a cramp on the Banksters who own our politicians. After all they make tons of money off of our constant wars and threat of wars. Because every shell, every bullet and every billion dollar defense system is a one use throwaway. As are the troops that do the invading, occupying and dying. Why do you think they underfund the VA? The only thing that matters is the continuous war. However the last time the United States was invaded was in 1812, so why do we fight wars for Banksters and Corporations? Remember that the United States is just a extension of what used to be the Roman Empire with the same objective and same outlook. It's only purpose right now is world domination (New World Order) for our corporate masters.

 I was taught growing up that the only form of government that is worth anything is one where every person has a direct voice and direct involvement. All other governments including that of the United States is a government based on fear and control. Which would you rather govern you a system of top down fear controlled or one where the needs and thoughts of everyone are part of the system?

I can see no difference between Jew and Palestinian. Or between Russian and Amerikkkan. Both are made up  of human beings,male and female, each with a life that is just as valuable. So why do we send soldiers to kill each other. While the other side does the same. That is the definition of insanity. No wonder our troops come home with PTSD.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thoughts Aug.8th. 2014

I just saw a picture of a young child blown in half by Israel. When people are treated like we treat animals, they can not be called civilized, moral or special. Only when people work for peace,  betterment of others and mutual understanding may they be called special. Making war on a defenseless people is never to be accepted by any moral person. This also applies to the United States of Amerikkka. Who holds the record for killing elders, women and children. Both will go down in history as worse then Hitler. May Mr. Washington and his minions of hate be consigned to the dust bin of history along with the criminal colony called Israel.The Jewish/Christian religion is fine but what Israel/USA has become is a abomination to all mankind. No wonder Grandmother said to take the best of religious teachings and never become part of any of them.

I have said this many times in many forms. HOW YOU ACT IS A MATTER OF CHOICE,  HOWEVER IN SO CHOOSING WHY NOT ACT IN SUCH A MANNER AS YOU DESCENDENTS CAN LOOK AT YOU AS A GOOD EXAMPLE. After all what you say and do will become part of what influences the next seven generations. Also those around you will either look at you as a good example or as a EXAMPLE of someone to be avoided.

Remember science says energy can not be created or destroyed. Life is being animated by energy, so when life ceases what happens to the energy which animated your body? It still exists, only in a different form. This from someone who has been on the other side five times now.

Does anyone know how to change a nation so it has democracy? Amerikkka is in dire need of being changed. How do you teach that win/win is the only solution to all problems faced in life?

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and human being. 8/8/2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 7th. 2014

Once again I am reminded of my mortality. Another heart attack on 8/4/2014. Then discovered I have very poor circulation in both legs. Will be going in for opening of my arteries at 1PM tomorrow. In the mean time I am sitting in the hospital and confined to bed.

The Presidunce has sent air drops for people stuck on a mountain in Iraq. Who has trained the Islamic State and supplied them with weapons and brand new trucks? Why not just cut the supply lines? No supplies means no war. Oh that's right then the Banksters couldn't make profits from arming both sides.

The Presedunce also said mistakes were made in using torture early on in the war of terror we are conducting against anyone who happen to live on top of the resources we want.This is to prevent the punishment of those who led and conducted the torture. I for one hope everyone guilty of violations of our Constitution and The rules of war we are bound by under treaty. If not then the government is no longer legal. If they are not punished then the Presidunce is guilty of obstruction of justice.

No one person is going to change the world. No one idea is going to make everything OK. No one cause is going to be successful without help from other causes. What I am trying to say is with so many things wrong with our system, we have to work, share and become community.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and human being. 8/7/2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 4th. 2014

How many times have you said, I'm going to do____________________ someday? Today is someday what have you done today? After all One of these days and you don't know when you run out of somedays.

I am running for congress against the for sale poli-TICS, you know poly = many and TICS = a blood sucking parasite. Phil Roe has his signs out already, same as always it reads "people not politics". However the people who  He serves  are the Koch brothers, the Walton family and any person with bank or incorporated in their name. A real professional politician.Well schooled in the art of accepting bribes and getting away with it. I still haven't raised  any money to challenge him. Even his democrap opponent has at least three signs in the county. That's two more then me.

The continued war on civilians in both Gaza and Ukraine are ongoing and financed by us. WHY?

what I can't understand is how people vote against their own best interest.  Republicans have fgot the vote of the southern block and the religious block, However they pretend to vote for things for those people. Blaming the Democraps for not being able to get the stuff passed. The Democrats do the same thing and blame the Rethuglicans. However if it's something that a big briber (campaign donor) wants they both vote to pass it. We do not have a two party system. We have a single party designed to solicit the most bribes for selling our government with two branches. That way people vote for the lessor of two evils. They both ARE OWNED BY THE SAME BANKSTERS AND WALL STREET RACKETEERS.

The purpose of the US military is to defend us from invasion. Instead we invade other countries and steal the resources.

How many times do politicians ask for our ideas or our suggestions. Even at town meetings its always their agenda. How about bottom up government for a change. Let me know what you think should be done or what you need. Get people together to make suggestions on how we can have a voice in government.

Monday, July 28, 2014

thoughts Jul. 28th. 2014

Just thinking to myself about physical fitness,\. I used to have a six pack but traded it for a keg.In reality I didn't think I would ever have Dunlop Disease.  You know where your belly dunloped over. I used to be able to run twenty or thirty miles a day. Now its about twenty steps. As my age meter went up my fitness meter went down. Now one is running on empty and the other is sputtering along.

I left the church I grew up in, not because I didn't take any of the scriptures at heart but because the church didn't.  a old saying I remember well "Children learn from both your words and your actions." I took the words to heart and found the actions far from what they preached.

Fear and hatred are things all too many teach the children today. Most of the isims are taught before a child turns thirteen. Some of the worst are Nationalism, Racism, Sexism and so on and on and on. We have a agenda then to teach every young person  not to hate, fear and give up in despair. We have to help them earn that their teachers were wrong because they to were raised in a climate of fear,  and learned the wrong lessons. Not because they were bad but because that is what the people running the various nations desired to be taught. We now have to reteach and rebuild not with fear and hatred but with cooperation. We need a new pledge of allegiance that includes all of us.   I pledge allegiance to nonviolence, to helping others to become the best they can, to learning to live and work in harmony, and above all to helping make my community,my state, my nation and my world better for me being part of it. We have to become examples of what we profess to believe or our lessons will not take root.

Two of the worst isms are in full display in the waring of otherwise sane and honorable people on others today. Proponents of Nationalism, Racism, Buddhism, Judaism and  so on are killing each other in various cobflicts around the world and the only ones gaining from this stoked hatred are the banksters.It's a old and well learned trick of those in control. Turn those who suffer from our policies against each other by blaming whatever consequences they are suffering on the different other. Keep them poor and keep them hating and we can sell all the weapons, all the war machines and so on over and over. After all a billion dollar aircraft here, a million dollar tank there, and pretty soon because the banksters are financing both sides, it amounts to some real money.

I remember something one of the people the banksters and fear mongers killed because he taught love said.  Ye shall do everything I have done and more". Well that potential still exists, if we would just pick it up and run with it.

Bob Smith (Bigtree)  Peacemaker and Earthkeeper 7/28/2014

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thoughts July 27th. 2014

I was thinking of the underfunded and misconceived VA. Amerikkka has never treated it's veterans with anything but contempt. How many know that Mr. Washington and Mr. Hamilton used their official positions to lay claim to all of the land on the frontier. Land promised to and settled by the veterans of our war for independence. Not just that but they began treating the poorer people including those veterans like the King had his colonies. So they rose up in what is called the Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion and made demands on the government including title to the land they had cleared and built homes on. Mr. Washington himself led the troops to pit down the Whiskey Rebellion, which instead spread from Western NY and PA into Western VA. Only then did the government pass the Bill of Rights and give title to the land those Veterans had claimed as promised to them. Mr. Hamilton also bought up most of the script used to pay those troops which was almost worthless. then cashed it in at full value.
that means a government by and for the rich and the hell with everyone else has been the norm since the Constitution which did away with government by the people under the articles of confederation. Only the landowners and the trades people who owned their own tools had any rights under the new Constitution of the United States of America. Nothing has changed since 1779. Even justification for war. Look what happened when forty four forty or fight was a presidential campaign theme. We invaded Canada and got our ass handed to us by the British troops. that little excursion into trying to steal others land and resources was called the war of 1812. So instead we decided everything West of the Appalachian Mountains though it belonged mostly to the Native American Tribes was fair game including the areas settled by and part of Mexico. In every case promises were made to the people who fought our battles but never honored. Just like the Bill of Rights only applied to those with money. We need to sit down and write our own constitution, but not allow any corporate whores and so called upper class to have anything to do with it. That's what the RICH did to bring about our current constitution. Which is why they had to do it in secret. They created a republic which was nothing more then a continuation of the same government for the rich they had overthrown.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) 7/27/2014

Friday, July 25, 2014

Thoughts July 25th. 2014

I have been a Peacemaker since 1979. the Elders who named me that said since I had been a warrior for 20 Years it was time I became a voice for peace. My duties include speaking out for the poor, the voiceless, the wronged and the one's who are used for others gain. I am to speak out against violence everywhere. I am to stand between armies and say "No to WAR." I am to speak out against injustice. Above all I am to speak for the poor, the children and the people who have nobody to speak in their behalf. I am to feed the poor, condemn those who use religion to enrich self and teach cooperation as the way to the greatest good.

This is a duty among former Native American warriors. However today I ask everyone to become a Peacemaker. I ask all of you to speak out on behalf not only of humanity but all Mother Earths CHILDREN. In other words the residence of this planet such as animals, trees, birds, fish, the creeping one's the crawling one's and the invisible life forms.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

thoughts July 23rd. 2014

Thoughts July 23rd. 2014

Today I am thinking of the much maligned and badly used Constitution. It's Preamble is "

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America". That is it's stated purpose. Are we fallowing it today or are we using the words that follow to make that purpose serve our own self interest.

It's interesting that Congress has decided to try and do away with the Post Office and has cut back on it's duties to establish and maintain post roads. It is also funny how the Rethuglicans rile against any tax and against the National Debt except on the working poor. the following is part of the same Constitution.

"Section 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Section 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear or pay Duties in another.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Section 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."

It's also funny how the Militia (National Guard) is being used in our war of Terror. How is that part of defending the United States from invasion? But then the US started out attacking the Indians on it's Western borders right away. In a nightmare which today is directly copied by the Other Nations it supports. It goes by the name of genocide, confining to prisons called reservations and denying justice to the people who are the wrong race, wrong religion or wrong ethnicity. Even now justice is a one way street on the reservations. They only have jurisdiction over the prisoners and white's can commit crimes including rape and murder and walk free. On the Lakota, Dakota and Dakota Rezs. alone how many murders, rapes and so on have been either unsolved or unprosecuted by the FBI which is the sole police organization responsible for crimes committed by whites on the Rezs. Yep Manifest Destiny is a two edged sword and a idea which never should have been given any basis in fact. I ask the people how much does the current government follow it's supreme laws?

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and human being
    Bob Smith 7/23/2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thoughts 7/17/2014

Why would the government use paid agents to spread disinformation, false accusations and even entrapment against free speech on the web? Unless they are so afraid of us they are shitting their pants.
That's why they also want to make criminals out of reporters and news services like Wikileaks.

Israel is again committing more war crimes and crimes against humanity and lying about protecting them self from terrorist. The truth is they want to destroy the Unity Government between the West Bank and Gaza. Probably using a false flag killing of children to do so. Seeing as how they blamed Hamas without any proof. How about all the children they kidnap , torture, falsely imprison or kill? How about the illegal building of settlments in the West bank or the allowing of so called settlers going and killing their neighbors?

One of the best things I learned from the elders at Kinzu was that if a government keeps telling you the same thing over and over look hard at the propaganda. Most likely they are doing exactly the opposite.

Somebody was saying something the other day on a list I belong to about the Golden Rule. Another person responded with he who has the gold probably stole it from you. I hadn't heard that version before.

Unfortunately the government at all levels and the political party (RepublCrat or if you prefer DemoCran) are wholly owned branches of the Coch industries, Banksters and Wall Street Racketeers. The two headed monster that controls our voting is a criminal organization designed to extract bribes before selling to the highest bidder. No democracy exists within the banana republic of Amerikkka. Nor do the few corporate CEO's, Wall Street Racketeers and Banksters intend to allow democracy to ever break out.

The game Monopoly is very accurate. It was first designed to teach the truth about our economy and still does. Under capitalism only one winner is ever allowed.

If we could devise a game to counter Monopoly what would we name it and how would we play working together for the good of all? I don't care who gets the credit but we need to create a game where everyone wins.I don't know how but we need to create such a game and release it in online or board game form yesterday.

Old Mary taught me back in the early fifties that "Whenever you see a need, let everyone know. someone else or better yet many people will have parts of the answer."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Thoughts July 14th. 2012

Once more a so called war is being conducted against a people who have no army, navy or air force to resist. If that is not a war crime then I'll eat my hat.

By the same token we are still fighting so called terrorist in Afghanistan. How can they be terrorist when it is the people of the country trying to throw out invaders? If China invaded Amerikkka and imposed it's government upon us, I would be a terrorist also. Besides the reason we supposedly invaded other then building a oil pipeline from the Caspian Basin to Pakistan was to get Osama.  Main reason we are staying is we found a lot of resources that our corporations want to get their hands on.

Over and over I see that the price of photovoltaic is competitive with other sources of electricity. Over and over I see that wind sources are now capable of being in the backyard. for the cost of one new nuclear power plant, we can outfit many thousand buildings with renewable and tie all of them to the grid. Guess what free energy not just for the buildings but for the grid itself. No pollution, no worry about storm damage taking out the grid and only the maintenance of the grid itself as cost. Just using output factors published if every home in the six miles between here and town were to be used, that would supply most of the power needed in the whole county. That's not even fifty homes. Going by that Greene county coould install on every home and business and export energy on the existing grid.

The promises most often broken are the one's mad to self. The one's which you are going to do someday. Who needs a bucket list if you decide you are going to do something someday. Today is someday. Do something to bring life to that dream. After all most people are so busy making a living that they forget how to live.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 7/14/2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thoughts July 11th. 2014

I can't remember where I first heard this or why. However I see more and more the truth in the statement. "A expert is a drip under pressure." A expert is not someone who seeks new knowledge, new ways of doing things or new ways to apply old knowledge.  A expert is the guardian of keeping things the same forever. Perhaps we need less experts and more original thinkers. More people who stand up and say this is wrong or say why don't we try something new.

Why should we export our so called civilization to another planet. We have never shown any real sign of civilization here. Do we show any sign that we have learned, hell the Israeli government continues to treat their neighbors like they were treated by the 3rd. Reich. Including mowing the grass in Gaza every so often to keep the people imprisoned within more or less quiet.

Why do we allow corporations to treat human beings like slaves? Use them, beat them into submission of the job. Then discard them as useless eaters. The real useless eaters are those who call them self capitalist. they do not contribute anything to making or selling the crap they expect us to buy.

On Sat. who is going to have a drum circle, round dance or whatever to change peoples minds? Who is making signs to post or getting people to join in the protests against legalized murder which we call war, the legalized murder which we call lack of medical treatment or the legalized murder committed by the po-LICE?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Thoughts Jul. 7th. 2014

You want to know why we get such crappy politicians, it's easy organized crime buy's them. By organized crime I am talking about the Banksteres, Wall Street Racketeers and Corporate Heads who love our one party two branches system. After all no matter which party wins, the crooks still own them.

I attended as a guest one of the full gospel churches a whle back. Didn't know if I was in a church or a Republican gathering. No wonder church membership is falling and half the church was empty. If I wasn't with friends I would have walked out. Maybe I should have, preacher asked me back after the sermon and I said I don't think so, nothing you said would go along with what Yeshua said and did. Friends don't come around much any more.

The only religion and people I have found who really are for peace is the Hopi nation. Least peaceful religion I note is a tie between Jews and Christians. Islam is a close third for being warlike. Guess no one has ever read the story about Cain and Able, except my Grandmother.

Has anyone noted that every where we export our democracy, the people end up poorer, the utilities stop working and the crime rate sours. Just like Amerikkka. No matter how much money we send to other nations, it always ends up as weapons being used against the people. That or propping up a criminal as head of government. Just look at the countries we have supported. Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Columbia, and so on. All pillars of democracy (not) and supporters of all the people. Our latest help to become a democracy like us is Syria which faces pirates who kill and cannibalize the very people they are supposed to help.

Bob Smith 7/7/2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Thoughts July 5th. 2014

I have been thinking about war and violence. I have thought about how I have participated even to saying nothing when I observed it. I no longer am able to do so. It doesn't matter if it's the USA attacking Iraq for oil, or the local police beating up someone because they can. It's all wrong. I remember Grandmother saying a long time ago something I had forgotten until now. She was sitting in the kitchen while I was washing plates from supper and Kathy was cleaning the table and then getting Grandmothers sewing basket. Grandmother turned to Kathy and said "I understand you were in a fight with Nancy today." Kathy responded with a low "Yes." Because she knew from Grandmothers tone a lesson was at hand. Grandmother looked at both of us and motioned for us both to sit down. Then clearing her throat she said. "Do you remember the story of Cain and Able?' before either of us could reply she said Do you remember what Cain said when Great Mystery asked him where his brother was?" Kathy chimed in "Am I my brothers keeper?" Grandmother nodded and continued. "Yes Am I my brothers keeper and the two legged have been searching for the answer ever since." She looked at both of us again and then continued. "Your brother or sister is everyone on Mother Earth. Just because the government says you have to go to war and kill someone you don't know and have no quarrel with or he/she kill you doesn't make it right. That applies to fighting and even revenge also so both of you go apologize to Nancy in the morning. You for fighting and Bobby for cheering you on."  All three of them are gone now, so that conversation was about to be lost forever.  Just had to share it.

Bob Smith July5th. 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Thoughts 7/4/2014

Today Israel is bombing Gaza again. How can you have a war when only one side has a army? Occupation of another peoples land does not give you the right to take it over, kill the people whenever you feel like it or build settlements on it. Those are illegal under the rules of war. Nor can you collectively punish people for the acts of a few. Just because the people of Amerikkka did so doesn't make it right.

Today is the day the rich of Amerikkka revolted from Briton in order to have the freedom to continue to maintain black slavery and to do what they wanted about the Indians Briton had peace treaties with. Slavery was being done away with in all the other colonies. Then they wrote a Constitution which prohibited anyone not rich and white from having any say in government. Thats what the Rethuglicans want again. The hell with all the amendments.

Looking at today's actions by so called Christians it's time to start feeding Christians to the lions again.

Have a great holiday, just don't make me puke by celebrating Freedom and Democracy which we do not have.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thoughts 6/19/2014esh

What are the idiots thinking. ISIS is US trained and equipped and has so far taken the oil fields in Syria and Iraq and nothing else. So why the war drum beats? They have achieved the US/Saudi goal.

This is a local thing but my Retuglican opponent has every election run on a theme of people not politics. However he has supported the people whose name included Bank or Incorporated over human beings. He also was part of the government shutdown. He claims to be a MD however he criticized Rommney Care and has voted anti it every time. Yet he kept saying he had a better plan while it was being voted in but never introduced it. No he is again saying he has a better plan, just hasn't done anything about it. He also claims to be a christian yet votes against any and all public support in any form including food stamps. Did Yeshua put any restrictions on those he fed? Oh that,s right he follows the christians who use the Jewish law  to justify attacking the poor. What did the founder of his religion say about the law?  No Mr. Roe you are not serving the people who elected you nor your Jesus.

I just heard a news report about the influx of Illegal children across the border. They are fleeing a USA created problem. I am talking about the drug supply gangs in Central America. Lets legalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal problem. Regulate and tax the drugs like we do the worst drug in this nation alcohol which leads to more killings, car wrecks, marriage breakups and other social problems then any illegal drug does. That will solve the children fleeing drug gang violence. Then we have to kill NAFTA so the poor farmers of Central America can once again make a living. Those two things will solve our illegal so called problem. Though I don't think Native American peoples coming across our illegal border are the problem. After all we did steal Northern Mexico from Texas to California in order to make more slave states.

It is more then overdue to reform or change our government when the Koch's, Walton's, Rockefeller's and assorted other corporations and banks have the only say as to what our government does or does not.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thoughts 6/15/2014

My first thought is from my other work.
Elders wisdom:

What ever we do it has to be universally accepted and universally implemented. So no matter what it has to enter the political marketplace. Thus the best way to start the changes is to speak out about what is needed. Get the young involved and get out of the way. I hate to say it but too many have tried the I won't vote pathway because they are fed up with the way things are. Give them a choice. give them ideas that make sense and above all don't talk down to them. Remember we all have to work together if we are going to continue as a species.

Bob Smith Big Tree 6/15/2014

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have long since lost any truth in saying they represent the human beings of this nation. Both political parties have sold out to those people with a name of Bank or Corporation. whoever can pay the biggest bribe to them is who they serve. In muy opinion both parties are owned and operated by the same people. Occupy was right and thats why they unleashed the paid bullies to attack them.

Who has attacked the US in the last fifty years? Nobody that I know of. Cuba hasn't though they are still our number one boogyman. N. Korea has not, all they have asked for is to reunify. Russia has not attacked us, they do not want Iraq never poised a threat to us nor did Afghanistan nor the tribal people of Yemen, Pakistan, or even The Dominican Republic. So why have we invaded or bombed them? Could it be a out of control military thrashing around for a purpose that will support using almost every cent of our tax monies?

We have laws upon laws covering everything from who can speak out about problems in our world to where someone who is homeless can sleep or eat. However we have no laws to protect our rights under either the Constitution or Treaty. Why not?

What do you want to see changed or made better? that's what is important and should be part of your conversation with your representatives. I don't believe in top down government and just looking or listening to what the people running our government say they are doing. I believe that we have the right and the power to tell them what we want them to do. If not the are not representing us. so stand up, speak out and make demands on the representatives or fire them.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thoughts 6/13/2014

The only thing our government needs that it doesn't have is a Department of Peace. A Department dedicated to finding and implimenting peaceful solutions not just internationally but domestically also. A Department dedicated to thinking and working outside the box. To find solutions to such problems as how to discontinue the arms trade, bring peace between people at each others throat and even find ways to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons. That is one thing I intend to try to bring into being if I am elected to Congress.

On the same note, I think we have to reconfigure the National Security Council in such a way that it starts looking at and reporting  on dangers to the nation from within.

I also have a good idea of how to fix the VA. Instead of cutting and blaming the people in the VA how about giving it the money and resources it needs to do the job. the fault is not within the VA but in congress.

I don't know about others but Income Tax is and was a tax on profits not on wages. Even the Supreme Court Jesters have said that. So how do we with all the financial games corporations play do we tax them? It's simple whatever they declare as a profit gets taxed at 35%. Budget problems solved.

We need to start another WPA to get the homeless, the out of work and not even being considered people back to work. We need to provide homes for the homeless, medicine for all and education for all. If Sweden or other nations can do it why can't we?

Above all we need someone with authority to bring charges against anyone who violates any of our rights either Constitutional or by Treaty. this should be a civilian agency that can and will investigate and bring charges against the government or civilian violators. Deliberate violation of rights should be a automatic two years in jail and a million dollar fine for each offense. If a CEO or government official knew of such violations and did not do anything to stop them that person should go to jail also with the same fine.

All elections must be publicly financed without any outside fund raising.

Every person physically and mentally capable should serve two years of public service at minimum wage before going on to college or other things in life. that can mean service in any public capacity and not just war.

though I hate to ask for money I am asking for donations from $1 to $250 so I can buy some campaign ads. I wish I could just reach into my pocket and do this.

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper USN Retired and candidate for Congress from TN 1st. Congressional District  6/13/2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thoughts 6/11/2014

Our stratagem is working. Iraq will not ever return to a independent nation under one government. That is why both the Brits and US troop were caught early in the war driving around in civilian vehicles packed with explosives.  Turn the various groups against each other despite years of living in harmony

Trying the same thing here. Turn everyone against each other and destroy the government. What a great weapon for the very rich, a war of terror right here in the good old US of Amerikkka. That has already started.

The sad part is the rich have decided the homeless have no rights. Thus their goon squads (po-LICE) are arresting and even killing the homeless in the name of law. Have you ever wondered why the po-LICE went from protect and serve to beat and mistreat?

Remember the international bankers own and operate our government for them self. Until we deal with them the world will remain in chaos.Like it or not even our food, medicine, education and clothing is dependent on them.

One of these days people are going to wake up and ask what are we doing to each other and to the only world we have to live in. Until that day we will continue to war and misuse everything.

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 6/11/2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Thoughts Memorial Day 2014

"Thank you for your service". Like support the troops a meaningless platitude which is said instead of really talking to the Vets. about what they encountered, what they need and above all having to think about the sacrifices they made so you can go shopping. Why do you think the Vets are committing suicide in record numbers? Why are they homeless in greater numbers then the rest of the population. Why are they alienated from the society around them? Why is the VA so badly underfunded that they do not have the people, resources or even buildings that don't leak? I escaped the PTSD trap because I had elders who listened to me. who gave me a purpose above and beyond what I had done before.
They told me I had served as a warrior for far to long. That from that day onward I had to serve as a Peacemaker. I had to stand against war and the horrors of war. I had to stand against the mistreatment of any be it because of the Nationality, Race, Sex, Religion, Abilities or any other reason for mistreating or ignoring others. I have made a few others become Peacemakers, however not enough. Peacemakers are still not honored or accepted in our society. Despite it being written in the majority hole-y book, "Blessed be the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of god."

How many know that the only winners of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the banksters and wall street racketeers who make money from the death and destruction. They did not and never have endangered our freedoms. They never had any way to bring war or destruction to our shores. However Saddam was willing to sell oil without using us dollars. For that crime he was hung. The Taliban refused to turn Osama over to us without any proof he had anything to do with 9-11. Besides they had refused to allow a American Corporation to build a oil pipeline across the nation. Guess what was the first project started after the Taliban were thrown from government by our troops. Guess what was protected from being seized or damaged after we invaded Iraq. Guess who's oil fields are being eyed by the corporate owners of our President and Congress now. why continue the fake war on terror, Osama is dead and that was our excuse for going to war?

My new favorite quote is  "Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason."

Our constitution and Treaties are supposed to be the Supreme Law of the land. However the politicians ignore both unless the Banksters and Wall Street Racketeers can make a profit from enforcing them. What rights do you have today and who guarantees them? Ask our Native Americans what they think of treaties we have forced on them at gunpoint. The only part of the treaties the US has lived up to is the part where they took our lands.

I repeat the Republican and the Democrat Parties are both the same party. Both have a criminal purpose which is to solicit bribes and sell our government services to the highest bidder. What do you get other then a form letter when you write your congress sleeze about anything? How about when contacting your State or local reprehensible representatives. so why do we keep electing these people. Because they are the least evil of the two? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you in NYC.

We are the greatest war mongering nation on the planet. We still are following the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. It wasn't over when we placed the last of the tribes in prison camps we call reservations. No we overthrew the government of Hawaii then annexed that nation as one of our states. We tried to annex Cuba and the Philippians. However the people threw us and our corrupt puppet rulers out. However we can not provide decent schooling because we don't want to raise taxes. we can not provide decent healthcare because we don't want to raise taxes. We can not take care of of Veterans because we don't want to raise taxes. We can not provided food, housing or opportunity to the people because that would drain off some of the money the Wall Street Racketeers are pocketing. If they get less money then our politicians will loose their own racket. So we go along with a government that on no level serves the needs of the majority.

Have a happy Memorial day, don't forget to buy, buy, buy at our great consumer sales. Don't forget to have a barbeque to celebrate the beginning of the summer season.

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper 5/26/2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thoughts 5/25/2014

Ukraine and Egypt are both overthrowing elected leadership by ultra nationalist US owned interest. Can't have any nation acting in it's peoples interest. Of course that applies to the US of Amerikkka also.

The legends of my people, the Jewish people and so many other peoples say our purpose is/was/will be keepers and guardians of our Mother the Earth, which in one way or another is described as sacred/holy or Great Mysteries footstool. where did all of us go wrong?

Once again I must speak out about our political party the Demopublican/Republicrat Party which is/was and will be a criminal operation designed to shake down whoever for bribes (campaign contributions) and sell their service to the highest bidder. The secondary purpose is to make sure nobody else has a voice in what is going on.

Will someone tell me what purpose Wal-Fart serves other then to sell us junk that poisons us, falls apart on the second use or helps to control us.

I know what purpose I serve this morning. Ace comes in from his morning constitutional and jumps in my lap. He remains there until he is either dry or warm before he does anything else. Thus in his mind at least I serve as a dryer or heater. Plus the additional purpose of being his pet.

I have to laugh. So many people I know are sure the Bible is both infallible and God's word. It is also not supposed to be translated. However it was composed probably in Iraq  no more then a few hundred years before the common era. It is also in the case of the King James (of England) a translation of a translation of a translation. Written primarily to justify the actions and rule of the British Royal Family.

You or I steal from a bank we go to jail. A bankster steals from us and gets rewarded with additional money.

I serve the most thankless and hardest job in the world. I am a Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. Neither is looked upon as worthy of anything but contempt. Despite the fact that Peacemakers are mentioned in the book called holy. "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be  called the sons of God." However I will continue to serve both purposes until all life on this planet dies. I also remember that one thing everyone has to stand up and be counted for is the question "Am I my brothers keeper?" The answer is self evident, we are.

Bob Smith 5/25 2014 C.E.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thoughts 5/18/2014

Either we are all working for a liveable planet or we are all dieing from the same causes. No one person can make this difference but each that tries bends the outcome toward what is needed. One of these days we will either reach the point of no return or where most of us live in harmony with Mother Earth, your choice.

The United States took advantage of resentment against the very rich in the Ukraine to sponsor a overthrow of the government by NeoNazis. Then furnished the same Nazis with weapons and help from Blackwater to force the rest of the people to submit at gunpoint. Are you proud of the US government involvement?

The one percent have perfected the system of control. Kill or discredit anyone who might lead the rest of us into taking control away from them. Turn everyone against each other. The poor whites against the poor blacks , even turning tribes against each other by pleading limited resources and by limiting how much they supply various tribes. They use race, religion, ethnic background or whatever perceived differences they can manufacturer. It works we are so busy hating any one different from our self that they continue to steal and use us without being thrown out. This includes Republicans and Democrats which both stand for and do the bidding of the 1 % without fail. Yet pretend to have opposite views. Even the Tea Party is owned and operate and financed by the 1 %.

Have you thanked the most hardworking of our other relatives? The Earthworm aerates our soil, converts stones to dust and even brings needed minerals to the plants among who's roots they reside. If your yard or neighborhood is infested with sickly brown patches and choked with invasive weeds, obtain and introduce worms to it and watch the changes. If you want a healthy garden without having to use pesticides and chemicals in it, add mulch and earthworms and enjoy.

If you fear or look down on other animals, remember we are the most dangerous animal and the most destructive on Earth.

Bob Smith (BIg Tree) 5/18/2014

Friday, May 16, 2014


Having lived in both Saudi Arabia and other nations I should be able to find truth in news somewhere. I have found it in LUV News here in the USA ( Also in a minor newspaper with English translation available in Israel. Sometimes from Russia today as long as it isn't covering certain subjects. Ususalyy from English versions of German and Portugese newspapers, as long as they are apart from government control. However I can not find it in NPR (National Propaganda Radfo) nor in any of our TV news sources. They have no journalist. Taking whatever corporate or government crap is the latest propaganda and not even trying to check the sources. Definitely not the NY Times which gets caught publishing outright false stories almost every day. It is the very nature of the media in the US of Amerikkka to deceive, cover up or falsify anything the 5 owners of all major news sources do not want us to know. Search out and listen and read independent news sources. You might even learn something.

I long ago quite voting for Republicans and Democrats. If you think they are different I have a bridge in NYC to sell you. all you have to do is watch what they really do rather then the lies they trot out every election cycle. that and see who is the biggest donors to their election bids. In every case you will find out the biggest bribers are bribing both major party candidates. No wonder the latest study finds that less then a few dozen people control our government and none of them are elected. Government at every level from local to national and lately international is for sale to the highest bidder.

You want to follow Jesus, do so. He gave explicit words on how to live in the Sermon on the Mount. He gave explicit examples in his own life. No matter how the religious leaders twist and use the Bible in order to control you, You can't go wrong if you feed those who are hungry, heal those who are sick, teach those who are seeking, condem anything built on power or riches, and see the Great Mystery in everyone you meet. Doesn't mean you have to trust them especially if you find them lacking in trustworthiness. Remember the Rich Young man and what he choose. He received his reward in the gold and lands he owned and not in anything of real value. Remember the religious leaders of his day, they were as bad as those who lead people today. We call them today Catholic, Protestant or even Morman but they are mere men using portions of the truth in order to enrich or place them self aver your life. Remember what Jesus said about the Law and the Prophets. Look not at a persons color, sex, religion or wealth but how they treat others no matter how different or what personal choices they make. We are all related a truth noone can change by using religion as a excuse to attack or condemn another.

Seek your answers not from me or anyone else. Seek instead within yourself. Use meditation as a tool to relieve stress. To give greater clarity to your thinking process, as a tool for renewal or to find that Pearl of Great Price.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper, and fallible human being 5/16/2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

thoughts 5/9/2014

I hear many saying the best government is no government. This is a fallacy, government has existed since time itself. Government is the commons. That which we are able to do collectively that no individual is able to do alone. Our parks, roads, bridges, airports and all of our commons. Things like the REA, Common markets like the farmers markets are all part of government.. Things like the council to solve problems that affect all, that is the function of government. For no one person has the training, ability or inclination to do everything necessary to accomplish what is necessary for living. Government only exists to serve people. When it fails to do that, it's time to replace that government with something that serves us.

 Every animal except one has a purpose in nature. Every animal serves a unique part of it's environment except one. What is the purpose of the human being? Just about all legends from around the world give it in one form or another.  Our purpose is to be the caretaker of our Mother the Earth. The garden of Eden still exists, it's just that we have mistreated and damaged it beyond recognition. Time for all of us to renew the garden.

War is called for by our so called leaders once again. We called for a war on poverty and it worked. We have more poverty today then during the so called great depression. We called for a war on drugs, it worked. Today illegal drugs are more available then ever. We called for a war on terror, it worked. How many school shootings, and other terrorist actions do we hear about today. It's time to quite calling for more wars. Every time we go to war the only ones who are in the gun sights are normal human beings.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) 5/9/2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thoughts 5/8/2014

Thoughts 5/8/2014

How come people participating in peaceful gatherings and legal protest are arrested with overwhelming force. Yet the police and politicians who ordered/used that force on those people are allowed to go free and use excessive force and illegal arrests on other people. The biggest criminal organization in NY is the NYCPD and most of the members should be in jail today. Along with the politicians who allow them to grope, sexually assault, manhandle, beat or murder who ever they want when ever they want. Not just that but lie about what they do and how.

What good is a bill of rights which has no criminal penalties attached to it? What good is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights when no one enforces it? What good is a Constitution when it only protects the greedy or rich?

Only when all the human beings on this planet have a voice in how they are treated. Only when every human being every law, every common expense and every relationship is open and honored will we be able to call our self civilized.

Good government does not start with the rule of law. Law's are made by fallible people. Good government starts with each and every one of us. How we treat others and how we live as a example for others. That is the basis of what government should be. Good government starts with each of us standing up and saying no more to this dysfunctional government we have today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Parasites and other things

A parasite is a living thing that lives off other living creatures but does not provide any benefit to the what ever it lives off of. Numerous examples are available all of which if even mentioned bring other examples to mind. Mosquitoes, intestinal worms, some forms of bacteria, and ticks.

Probably the most harmful form of parasite I can think of is the human being. Even then you have to classify them as to how much harm they do to the other living creatures around them.

At the top of the parasitic food chain have to be those who never earned anything with common labor. This would include the Banksters, the Wall Street Racketeers, the Donald Trumps, Rockefellers, Koch brothers and other vermin who inherited and live off of the labor of others without contributing anything in return. Most of them live off of the combined labor of thousands of other parasitical human beings including many who also contribute nothing to advance or make life better for the rest of us.

The first layer below them includes many who actually think they are contributing to society. The worst of these are the military and the almost military so called police. They herd, kill and destroy the other layers of humanity on command. Even if for no reason other then being told to do so. Most of the top level parasites owe their position to either public or private armies.

Above and below these layers of parasites is another layer called poly (many) tics ( a blood sucking parasite). This is a layer including presidents, Congress critters, judges and other vermin used to give the top layer protection from being pulled down by the lower layers. It's usual mode of feeding is some form of bribery, called for some reason campaign finance. This layer of parasite provides cover for the top layer and suffer in place of them when the rest of us revolt.

At the bottom layer are the people who all these layers of parasites feed off of. This includes the dreamers, laborers, cooks, factory workers, small farmers, artist, clerks and teachers. This includes those duped into believing they might get ahead if they work harder. Others it includes are those who go along to get along, Those so busy making a living they forget how to live, Those who have given up because they have been beaten down so much they have quite trying and those who still dream of a better way. I Am a dreamer, what are you?

Bob Smith 5/7/14

Sunday, May 4, 2014


How come the US of Amerikkka has been at war for all but 21 years since it came into existence. Could it be that we have been governed by sociopaths the whole time? I know Mr. Washington was one.

What if the White Christians get to heaven and find out their God is Black?

The Whooorld Bunk ( excuse me World Bank)  is the supreme criminal enterprice. Who owns it?

Instead of free land, free buildings, tax relief and so on that our counties are giving to attract business to locate here, we spent a equivalent amount on a community owned business, using local management, local workers and local suppliers. What if the first business we made local was the cable company? After all I have not heard of anyone happy with Comcast.

Did you know you can grow crops with cold frames and a second cover year round everywhere in the US of Amerikkka? I grew tomatoes and leaf lettuce in containers on my apartment fire escape in Maine. When frost came I moved them inside the glass door and continued to have fresh salads up until Feb.

When you think about buying clothes at Wal-Fart remember they won't last more then a couple of washings. Do you really want to buy poorly made junk from them when you can spend a few dollars more you can shop elsewhere and have your clothes last?

Speaking of Dollars, why accept a IOU from a private bank which has nothing to back it. Lets demand congress create a five dollar, ten dollar, 20 dollar, 50 dollar and hundred dollar coin and put the Federal Reserve out of business. That or create local currencies which are backed by goods and services.

Since the Republican/Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise designed to extract the maximum bribes in order to sell it's service to the highest bidder. Lets all vote independent or Minor party. Other wise if we boycott the elections they will just have their own membership vote and nothing will change.

Human beings are as much a part of nature as lions or snakes. Our purpose is to be caretakers for Mother Earth and all her children. Where did we go wrong?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A drive to more wars

Our government is insane. Our leadership is unable to deal with people in a civilized manner and our military dictates all of our so called foreign policy. The drumbeat for more and greater weapons systems is insistent.  The manipulating to invade more sovereign nations which have not and do not pose any threat to the United States of Amerikkka nor do they wish to be invaded and have a corrupt government imposed on them by us. The use of minor political parties in nations that we disagree with to overthrow and destroy the governments is a crime against humanity and a war crime. We are the heir to the policies and methods of the third Reich. As such the people have to decide if we want to continue our grand plan for world domination or allow us to take a lawful place among the worlds people.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


It seems to me that a living wage which will support a family or allow a person to get ahead with current inflation rates is more like $25 then it is $15. So why not demand a return to a minimum wage that reflects this adjusted for inflation?

Since banks have turned into the Mafioso's of today why not break them up,, sell their assets and jail their upper management?

If each and every person in the world has something special to contribute and each and every person is important, then why are we not providing shelter, food, education and medical care for all of them?

Who is the ideal ruler of any nation? why you of course and you and you and you and me. Horizontal government with everyone having a say in whats done with our commons is the government of the future. It takes everyone's input. It responds to changing needs and changing information, and above all it makes sure everyone is involved.

What do you love doing? What special talent do you share with others that makes all of you feel good? Why not share your special ability with others?

When everything gets to be too much, try listening to the breezes, listening to the sound of moving water or listening to the the other sounds of nature. It does help and just 15 minutes will do to remove the pressure of everyday events.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Who does war benefit. Certainly not the people killing and being killed.  Nor does it benefit the elders, women and children caught in the crossfire or being raped in turn by the warriors who happen to control the places they live. It doesn't do anything but provide a world of misery for those who play in the fields where unexploded weapons lie in wait to take a arm or leg. It doesn't benefit the farmer who see's his crops destroyed or his barns burned or his animals killed. It doesn't benefit the families huddled in their urban homes who have grenades thrown in the windows. Shells come through the roof, or Soldiers enter firing indiscriminately.It doesn't benefit the thousands stuck in refugee camps with little food, water, medical supplies or educational outlets for the children. It doesn't benefit the shop owners and venders who no longer can obtain their products to sell.
So who benefits? Could it be the people making and selling the side arms those soldiers carry. Could it be the people who make the single use bullets that are exchanged indiscriminately? Could it be the makers of the warships, and airplanes? Perhaps it's the makers of the drones that kill from afar and without warning? Or if the truth be known it's the bankers who finance both sides. People far removed from war and it's consequences. People who count the war as win/win because either the victors or the losers still have to pay for the weapons and bombs and death benefits of those who lose permanently  Maybe it's time to beat the swords and spears into plows and pruning hooks. Maybe it's time to make war on the bankers. to take the spoils of war from them. to make them serve a useful purpose like working to help the farmers who lost the crops and animals rebuild the farms. To care for the injured as orderlies. To rebuild the homes destroyed in the fighting. To pass out food and water to those in refugee camps. To serve indefinite detention like the enemy combatants. To clean the fields of unexploded ordnance. To serve on labor gangs cleaning up the DU, and chemical weapon residue. To serve as enemy combatants in indefinite detention in GITMO. then those who profit from the wars will serve a real purpose. In the meantime "I will fight no more forever."

Friday, April 25, 2014

Today I am thinking of what I would like to see the world become. For
the two legged people I would like to see government by consensus. Free
education for all. Something to replace the IOU's issued by banks which
we call money. Health care for all, without restrictions imposed by
insurance companies and the greed of our sick care system. Shelter as a
human right. If we have a representational Government then let our
representitives be drawn by random from all people being represented.
Food as a right and not something beyond the afford-ability of some. A
government that guarantees all people who live get paid enough to live
on. Everyone has the right to live and contribute, be it a stay at home
parent, a artist, a care giver, a small farmer or even a story teller or
medicine man/woman. That animals and nature have rights also, and not be
managed for man's convenience. that war's be outlawed and all arms be
destroyed including those carried by the police. Can anyone help me with
how to formulate a constitution which would bring my dreams into
reality? Can anyone help me to bring a constitutional convention to
bring this form of government into being? We have to change our bought
and sold system quickly before we all become extinct.

We have a very powerful thermonuclear device which is conviently away
from population centers, produces energy beyond any foreseeable needs
and is not being used very much right now. It's called the sun. Lets use
it and get rid of our present power systems.

In every health care situation I know of, nobody stands as a voice for
the patient. nobody coordinates between the various care providers.
Nobody looks at the physical, mental and spiritual needs of people to
make sure they have everything necessary to get well if they are sick
and to stay well if they are well. this is provided as part of the care
among so called backwards medicine people, but not in modern medicine.

Many of societies ills could be solved if we had talking circles where
each had a say in turn and each had to listen to the others story. More
could be helped by teaching some form of meditiation that people could
heal their emotions from within. Of course this would not go over too
well with the extreme proponents of control. After all our religious and
political leaders maintain their status and power by laws and control
over the followers. If you don't believe this read 1984 again.

I wish everyone a good day and enough.

Please comment and share these thoughts with others. Maybe you have
ideas you want to see also.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacmaker, Earthkeeper

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Unions or trade organizations were formed around protecting the members. As such they have both negotiating options and hell raising options. some trade organizations such as the AMA and the American Bar Association were formed and still serve the singular purpose of keeping the income of it's members as high as possible. Unions on the other hand have several responsibilities, chief among them is obtaining fair wages for the members.  Another reason for their existence is to ensure safety, protect against harassment and protect against unjustified workplace rules. Yes they can negotiate in good faith, but that is not the end of what they can do. Remember workplace safety started in NY after the Triangle fire, though the unions had been fighting for safety before that. Unions also brought about the eight hour day, paid vacations, the forty hour week, medical coverage, pensions and a bunch of other things. It's time to reinforce these things which the corporations are doing away with. These things were not won by negotiations. They were won buy outright HELL RAISING. They were won by work stoppages, strikes (even wildcat), occupation of the workplace, slowdowns, and even the wrongful convictions and killing of union members. As May day approaches, I wan't everyone to remember that May Day represents more then just a celebration of Spring. It is celebrated as workers day or Union day in the rest of the world. That came about because of the murder of Union people on strike in the Haymarket Massacre by the Chicago Police. Remember though the police have one of the strongest unions today, the use of excess force, violation of rights including the first amendment and due process is not new. Po-Lice or armed thugs to protect the rich have been around for centuries. It's time to form a universal Union to protect us from the Rich and the governments they own. IT'S TIME TO USE SIT IN'S, WORK SLOWDOWNS, BOYCOTTS, STRIKES, AND HELL RAISING TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL OF US FROM THE RICH AND THE GOVERNMENT THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM THE REST OF US. FOR THOSE IN RELIGIOUS institutions PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS MEANS STANDING UP FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER AND ARE IN NEED.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) 4/22/2014
Please pass this on if you agree.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Corporate People

Corporations are people? However they can't be jailed for committing crimes. they can't die unless their owners kill them or sell them to a bigger competitor. For the most part if they deliberately violate the law and are fined, thats just a cost of doing business. They can and do own more then one elected or appointed official., so how do we deal with these super people? They don't even for the most part pay their fair share of taxes. In fact they have turned the income tax structure on it's head. After all by law Income Tax is a tax on profits, and wages or salary are not profits. so somehow they have the customers and employees paying the taxes for them. Not only that but somehow or another they have made it imposable for it's customers to get any where near the compensation for damages they do to us by deliberate fraud and shoddy products, nor can we do anything about false advertising because they have free speech, which somehow the government denies to us mere human beings. Lets return Income tax back to a tax on declared profits. Lets limit corporations to at most forty years lifespan unless they serve some public good. After all if a company can't make it without the special breaks of corporate hood after forty years it's very poorly run and does not deserve special treatment to continue. Above all if a corporation kills someone by deliberate action or inaction, kill the corporation. Not just that but charge the management which made the corporate decision and seize the assets they funneled into their pocket and jail them for the crime.  Let the very first death penalty be for buying of our elected officials. Who should also be jailed for a minimum of fifty years for accepting bribes.

Bob Smith 4/9/2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Political corruption

The Republican party today is the KKK party and the Tea party as well as the Democrat party is the Nazi  and Fachist party's of today. All three are for sale, and as corrupt as any third world government parties. We as a nation are in deep doo-doo, so what are we going to do?  It's not like people don't have choises. The following lists are alternative parties to the Dempublican or Repliocrat party which is joined at the hip in corruption. Choose one of the others (they all have web sites which explain their positions. Lets retire the useless to real service parties Two names both joined at the hip in serving to collect bribes and serve the highest bidder. No choice for the rest of us except to put up with corruption.  They are other partie, go online, find out about them then tell the major parties bye.

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper, Green Party candidate for Congress. 4/5/2012

These are the major parties in existance today.
Democratic Party50 + DC1828
Republican Party50 + DC1854
International Democrat Union
Libertarian Party45 + DC[2]1971
Green Party37 + DC[4]1991
Global Greens
Constitution Party37[4]1992
These are the minor parties in the USA today.

America First Party*2002

American Conservative Party2008

American Freedom Party2010American Third Position Party
American Populist Party2009

Americans Elect2011

America's Party2008America's Independent Party
Christian Liberty Party*1996American Heritage Party
Citizens Party of the United States2004New American Independent Party
Communist Party USA1919
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Freedom Socialist Party1966

Independent American Party1998

Justice Party2011

Modern Whig Party2008

National Socialist Movement1974
World Union of National Socialists
Objectivist Party2008

Party for Socialism and Liberation2004

Peace and Freedom Party1967

Pirate Party2006
Pirate Party International (observer)
Prohibition Party1869

Reform Party of the United States of America1995United We Stand America
Socialist Action1983
Fourth International
Socialist Alternative1986
Committee for a Workers' International
Socialist Equality Party1966Workers LeagueInternational Committee of the Fourth International
Socialist Party USA1973

Socialist Workers Party1938
Pathfinder tendency (unofficial)
United States Marijuana Party2002

United States Pacifist Party1983

Unity Party of America2004

Workers World Party1959