Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thoughts July 23rd. 2015

How long will  it take for people to wake up. We do not live in a democracy. We live in a Republic/Oligarchy. The Repucrat/Demopublican Party is one party designed to extract the most bribes for their service. Our Constitution says it's a Republic, which means people are elected to represent us. In truth it is a handful of people who buy elections, control the people you get to choose from and get all the service from their chosen lackeys. These same people also own the military/industrial complex so they make more money only if we are at war. They own the banks so our money is all debt to them. They own the newspapers, TV Stations, Insurance companies and so on so we are told to be good little consumers and send our children to  war so they can get more oil, minerals and starvation wages from those we conquer. Our children come home with  training with one job, hired killer. They shower us with things they say will make life better, so you will give them your hard earned money for things. Things and money can't buy happiness  so we walk around saddled with debt, and a permanent cloud of gloom over our heads. Why is this true? because they distract you with sports, actors, drugs (yes they  own and control the drug trade also), and pointing at others even less fortunate as the cause of your problems. WAKE UP PEOPLE! All of us, Red,White Black Brown or Yellow are used as cheap labor,slave labor in jail, or as dreaming  supporters of the system.

Have you ever wondered why things are the way   they are. Have you ever wondered why politicians lie? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

People ask me why I keep running for Congress as a Green here in TN First Congressional District. It's simple no elected official represents or speaks for the poor, the minorities, the disabled, the women, the animals, the fish, the birds, the creepy crawlys (including bee's), the trees and plants, the Earth itself, so I figure that's part of what needs doing.

Elders Wisdom:

The only real change in society comes when enough people see something basically wrong with the way things are and do something about it. Change never comes from the top down but from the bottom up. Just remember you came into this earth for a short time to live, grow, learn and interact. You owe it to  the next seven generations to pass on something good, something lasting and above all something which will serve them in their time of need. Don't fail yourself or them by standing by and saying it's someone Else's job.

Big Tree 7/23/2015

Bob Smith 7/23/2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thoughts Jul. 12th 2015

So many people underemployed or unemployed. Many getting by with food bank and friends. We have to take a look at what were doing wrong.

To begin with we bailed out the wrong people when the banksters crashed our economy. They should all be in jail for running criminal enterprises instead of still committing crimes and getting bonuses. Besides they create money out of nothing and charge us interest on it. The money is backed by nothing, did not exist without a bookkeeping  entry and  More money exists on paper the is in circulation so we can never pay the debt off. Bank of America, Wells Fargo and others keep falsifying cheating and getting fined but nobody has gone to jail and allof the big banks keepup their crooked ways.

I have 11.6 acres here,about seven are capable of growing crops. I am willing to let a CO-Op grow here rent free for a year if they will uses hoop houses, cold frames and  so on to grow and harvest year round.
I am sure many other locations outside of CA are capable of doing the same.I know of one such operation in Down  East Maine.  It just depends on people willing to give their time,effort and a little money to get started. Better food, locally grown and  provide income for out of work people at the same time.

In the same spirit, Wal-Fart has raised their prices here now they do not have local competition. So why not start a Co-Op buyers club to compete? They can buy stuff at wholesale, bring it into the local community to a distribution point and people can go and pick up what they ordered. You prepay, and get your stuff cheaper.

I  don't know  about where you live but here we have factories shut down and buildings sitting empty. We have experienced worker, managers, sales people and maintenance people out of work. All we need is a CO-OP to use those resource and make stuff we can sell within a hundred miles.

We already have a Farmers Co-Op, Credit Unions and so on here, just expand on the idea. We even have a local dairy here but very few dairy operations.Most of the farmers still in business here are raising beef cattle.

Anyone else have any ideas, even a arts and crafts Co-Op would help?

Bob Smith 7/12/2015

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Thoughts 6/6/2015

Since most of the USA's history is that of war and conquering or stealing other peoples land and resources perhaps we need a Constitutional Amendment to limit our military to protecting against any invasion of the United States and protection of trade routes on the high seas.

By the same note why not a Constitutional convention to include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the supreme law of the land? Just think that would include a voice for the minorities, the end of human rights violations by any government entities, equality for women in all ways and so much more. If Congress won't go along with this the States have the right and the ability to do so. After all it was the states who convened the first Constitutional Convention. Though it ended up limiting the states governing and ended up as a giveaway to the rich. We could even do away with the Senate which is not serving any purpose today.

The same convention could do away with several problems we have today. Legal person hood for corporations which is a farce. The other is to make all elections open to all candidates and publicly financed. By the same note why not limit every office holder. Just make it part of the Constitution that nobody can succeed them self in office. Does not prevent some one from holding the same office multiple times but does make office holders more open to the voters control.

Last but not least may we include a process to amend or even do away with central government every twenty years as a protection for all of us. No need for any more revolutions, just open voting by everyone.

Bob Smith 6/6/2015

Friday, May 29, 2015

Thoughts May 29th. 2015

Community banks work. Look at the Bank of ND. In a republican state it has for some reason prospered despite the current depression. It was unaffected by the Mortgage bust. Why because the bank is owned by the state. The bank by law has to deposit every cent it  receives into this bank. The bank on the other hand makes loans to small business and homeowners and community projects. All of which generate revenue for the bank. All of which benefit the state in the long run. All of which shields the state from the vagaries of and Federal Reserve caused recessions and depressions. So maybe state run banks are the future for other states. If not how about county or city owned banks to serve the exact same purpose. Even tribal banks owned by the tribal governments. They especially should think about this. After all they are sovereign nations within the United States or America or Canada. They do not even have to keep their accounts in Federal Reserve or Canadian notes. They can issue their own currency if push comes to shove. After all they are Nations in their own right. Right now we have five felon banks. What if they were taken over and operated as the bank of the United States of America? How quickly would our National Debt go away? After all right now they are criminal enterprises, serving only the management of the bank and nobody else. As a newly formed bank of the USA they would eliminate the Federal Reserve Charter and actually put some value into our legal tender. What good is money which is only a IOU for a loan that was never authorized or had any backing of real value?

Another thing on the same lines is CoOperative business. Look at the City of Green Bay, WI. What do the 105,000 people in this city have in common? They own a professional football team by the name of the Green Bay Packers. What does the company Ace Hardware have in common with The Green Bay Packers? The headquarters and buyers and staff are all owners. The same thing was true of the Amana Corp which was community owned. The local Farmers CO-OP is owned by the local farmers. The Credit Union members own the Credit Unions. They are all cooperative business. So does your town hold empty factory buildings or warehouses? Does your town have many people either working for minimum wage or not working at all. How many of these are older managers, laid off factory workers, unemployed sales people, college students who can't find a job, or people who have given up on finding work like the homeless? So find something they can make, especially some product that can be sold in the region. Raise public money and use the resources available. You have a new tax paying job source in a hurry that  will not leave the community unless it is mismanaged and goes out of business. Even our poorer tribes could do this. After all they already have a product. The Arts and crafts most of the Rez. people produce. So the Tribe buys/rents a storefront in a major city. Hires people from the tribe to operate it and sell/auction the production of the tribe's members. Making sure the people making it get $15 a hour plus the cost of material plus 10% for buying more materials. Selling it at auction for a minimum of 200% markup to cover the wages and upkeep and utilities of the store/auction house with any money left over going to the community/tribe as profit.

If you like any of these ideas, please share with others.

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and candidate for US Congress TN 1st. Congressional District.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thoughts May 27th. 2015

Just met a local church visiting group. Asked me to come to their church (meeting house) on Sunday. When they got ready to go one of them read or misread a passage from the King James Book. I corrected him on what it said as I have read the bible several times in different versions and told him i didn't believe in his religion. They left in a hurry saying I was going to Hell. I'm there right now. Oh I also asked him what his church stood for because in our whole conversation all I heard was were against this and that. I still want to know what the protestant movement stands for. Nothing good that I can see except to lord over others and point fingers. I remember something about Let he who is without sin. Oh well It was interesting and now my neighbors know I can't be bothered with what they preach. Their book has some great ideas on how to live but nobody tries to.

I learned at a very early age, that everyone is equal and should be respected unless they do or say something to loose that respect. The men's council deliberated on actions and so on. The woman's council held the final say on what the men proposed. In addition the thirteen year/fourteen year old's had the duty of speaking for thee  elders. The Earthkeepers had the duty of representing the various animals, birds, fish, tree's creepy crawly's and invisible ones. Probably the hardest job was that of the eldest women for they were required to speak for the children. Though everyone including the children could and did call council if they saw a problem or a need. We have to get back to that. We have to learn to listen to others and then speak knowing what they said and why. Mankind is not to be governed by the richest, the most eloquent or the one with the weapons. It is supposed to be a voice for everyone and respect for all including the next seven generations.

The warrior society which was and is by traditon not the ones who speak out for war but those who watch and take action before the warclub is necessary. Prevention instead of killing or arresting is the job of any who call themself warriors.

The five large banks that just were found to be felons are not. They are criminal enterprises. How many times do we have to fine them for criminal activity before we realize the people running those banks and not the banks are the criminals. What they do is steal from all of the rest of us and put it in their packets. So when are we going to jail them, break up the big banks and return some of their crooked gains to the people?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thoughts 4/15

Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning "few", and ἄρχω (arkho), meaning "to rule or to command")[1][2][3] is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term.
Throughout history, oligarchies have often been tyrannical (relying on public obedience and/or oppression to exist). Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich,[4] for which another term commonly used today is plutocracy.
We have been a Oligarcy or Plutocracy for a long time. How many times has it been reported that a school board, town council or some other level of our government  Including the State Houses and Congress itself have made self enriching and self empowering decisions that were not good for the majority?
If you think we have freedom of speech or freedom of association all you have to do is look at The Dept. of Justice/ FIB led attack on the Occupy Movement. A attack on both the freedom of speech and freedom of association. Not to mention the guarantee that property can not be seized, destroyed or otherwise taken without a warrant. What happened to the books, computers, tents clothing of the people who were raided in the middle of the night by the barbarians of NYP and LAPD and other cities from coast to coast? For that matter, what has happened in even the smallest cities to the residents of homeless camps? I know of one case where a family photo album and family bible were all a individual ent had only to watch the po-LICE destroy those items.
How many people have been executed by the police since the first of the year? The best number I have found so far is 176 for the month of January. Yes #Black Lives Matter, so do Red lives, Latino Lives and poor lives.
This is top down government where only those who can afford to buy our lawmakers/political parties have any say in what goes on in the world and they are using the po-LICE to enforce this decision.
The Republican Party has a basic tenet that only the very powerful should or do have any rights. The rest of us are surfs, useless eaters and scum not worth bothering with except for lies and falsehoods at election time. The Democrats have exactly the same guiding principle. Thus they are both criminal organizations running scams to ensure the maximum bribes to support their elected/appointed members. They also maintain strict control of who gets elected, making sure it's those open to bribery. Thus elections are a waste of time for the most part.
That means our choices as human beings is very limited. One we can have armed rebellion. That worked early on when the Shays Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion forced the extreme rich to give us the bill of rights. Two we can try to vote all of the scoundrels out. With the money raised against us that has the snowballs chance in hell.  We can as a people we can dissolve the Republic or change it the same way Washington, Jefferson and all the rest of the rich did away with individual states being nations onto them self despite the common belief that they were solving problems in the Confederation of Nations (States). One other way exists, and it's iffy at best. Charge the Republican/Democrat Party under the RICO act as existing as criminal enterprises, designed only to maximize the bribes they rake in by pretending to oppose each other.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Thoughts 3/30/2015

Today is  special day as is every day. Today someone asked me if I have any hope for mankind.My answer is yes I do. Not as we are today a fear ridden, consumer society. Not as a top down leadership society but as a new /old society. I have been trying to preserve Teachings of the elders who helped raise me. I have also had visions of the future and like most visions they show to outcomes, each based on the choices we face today. Some of those visions show dark and bloody outcomes. Some show A transition into a new and very positive change in society. Both are within reach of the people I know, love, interact with and cherish.

The society I have been trying to preserve is goes back anywhere between 1000 and 10,000 years and is the oral traditions and teach hings of one small place in the 1950's. A small doomed Seneca Community called Kinzua on the banks of the Allegheny River in NW Pennsylvania. A community that even as i was growing up and visiting often had the shadow of a 700 ft. dam just downstream.I am working on a book, parts of which I have shared as Elders Wisdom. A  book I hope not only will connect people with the tribal and cultural past but even more give us starting points to change both our selves and our world. It is that which gives me hope because many people are seeking to live such in every day life. Not remotely and culturally outside of every day life but in every day life no matter where they find them self.

Today i have been following the news which is mostly about prejudice, war and crime.  A news that if taken literately brings out the most dark and dire of the future I have been shown. A time when mobs storm the capitol and all capitols. A time when politicians decorate every light pole in Washington, Dc and even the local town halls are torn apart board by board by the people they are supposed to serve. A time when Nuclear war touches not just remote nations but even Chicago and Houston. A time of starvation, rape, killing and little hope for anyone to survive. Though even then small pockets some even within cities will come through. Though I pity the rich, the banksters and the movers and shakers of today for they will face the same end as the French Aristocrats. That is the dark side of what I was shown. I will probably see the beginning of this if it comes about. That like I said is a matter of choice, not by the powerful but by people like you and I.

I also have received more then usual questions from people today about how to change what they see as modern slavery. What they see as a return to the world of Dickens and Scrooge. People who are looking for someone to lead them out of the wilderness of our war ridden, world of the homeless, the unemployed, the sick and the class/racially profiled dog eat dog world. I can give them pointers but they are the ones who have to change society. They are the people who have to take Elders Wisdom and other teachings and make those as starting points to create a heaven on earth. This to I will probably see the start of. Once again it is a matter of choice by the very people who will read what I have to share today.

In the mean time I have been asked by those on the other side to come back and help bring about the good changes. Changes in government where the government is not only for the people but is the people. Not a government which serves only those who can afford to buy the politicians. A government which sees every man woman and child as resources for and valuable to the community. A government where mankind is not apart from nature but a part of nature, conserving and renewing the world for  the future generations.

Today I spent much of my day trying to get the appointments set up at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Institute. Because if I am to do what I came back from the dead to do I have to be stronger and able to get out in the community more. Hope to go and see what they can do with a tired old body.

Sometime tomorrow I will complete my seventy third trip around the Sun. So even if the  mD's can not do anything for me I have had a great ride.

Bob Smith Peacemaker/ Earthkeeper and human being.
March 30th. 2014

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thoughts 3/27/2015

The biggest terror organization in this country is the FBI/TSA/DEA/Local po-LICE/ect. The biggest terror organization in the world is the US Military, which has one job to kill and main as many people as it can.

Lets face it the Democrat/Republican/Tea uni-party has only one function. To sell the service of the government we support to the highest briber.

Name one person, no matter their sex, religion, race or education who does not have something special to offer to their family, community or the world. Thus nobody should ever be terminated by any po-LICE or Army.

If a business can not make it without corporate status after twenty years it does not deseve to continue in business. If a corporation does not serve as part of it's purpose some public good, then it does not deserve to be a corporation. No corporation should be allowed to buy any government through legal or illegal bribes. Nor should any corporation have a say in the regulations governing it. If any corporation pays out money to buy the service of a government bureau or political party it should be charged with bribery. it's officers should be charged with maintaining a criminal enterprise . Upon conviction the corporation shall be confiscated and sold off to recover the public monies the would have come in otherwise. In fact I don't know why all business isn't local, sustainable and governed by the same people who use it's services. Nor can I understand why banks should be allowed to create money. This includes the bank owned bank called the Federal Reserve.

Next week I will be going to the Cleveland Clinic to see if they can help me with my Congestive Heart Failure, Badly damaged heart or whatever you want to call it. Woke up short of breath again this morning. Last night I was feeling weak and after checking everything else took my blood glucose reading. It was down to eighty.

 Remembering back when I was a kid. One of the elders who taught me and the other children at Kinzua had lost his leg in WW1. With his crutch and determination he took part even in the dances. Wish I was as strong and determined as he was. I seem to remember he was a combat medic and was wounded at Guadalcanal. Never did hear his story from him. I try to pass on what I was taught but wish I knew more of the stories of the people I knew then.

One story I was told about was that of Old Mary. She was rounded up from one of the SW tribes, though I don't know which one and sent to Indian School. Both her and her best friend got pregnant by the minister running the school. Her friend accused the minister of rape. She was accused of lying and beat to death. Mary snuck out of the school that night and hid in nearby woods. She was found by a Seneca Warrior who took he back to Kinzua, where she had her baby.  she was adopted into the tribe and a few years alter married the first of six husbands, all of whom she outlived. I was told she had seven children, all of whom she outlived.  She also had eighteen Grandchildren, only two of which were alive when I knew her. She had thirty great grandchildren and At the time of her death six great-great grandchildren. She was 102 when I first met her and passed on four years later. She was one of the softest spoken and wise women I ever met.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith

Monday, March 23, 2015

I am going to talk about the buying of our government also called bribery. Lets just put our cards on the table. The RICO act is aimed at organized crime. It has also been used successfully against several major corporations including GE. It has also been used against individuals. When directed against individuals every bit of unlawful gain was recaptured and the individuals went to jail. Well I am proposing we use it as citizens at least the Republican to target four criminal organizations, a handful of people paying bribes and  all of the recipients of such bribes. I am talking about The Major Banks, the Major Political Parties and the Koch brothers who make no bones about buying the Republican Party at every level including National, State and Local. I know a individual can file RICO ACT Charges but don't know the process. I guess I can find out soon enough because what they are doing is stealing from me, you and every person in Amerikkka. They are imposing slavery on anyone who doesn't have a few million to buy a government oaf. They are using money as a way to subvert the system of checks and balances. Directly attacking the Constitution and making the rest of us into serfs. Since when except in Feudal Europe or Feudal China has a whole nation of people been held in subjugation by a few. I don't know about you but I would rather have a bloodless culling of the high and mighty. France and Russia both gave examples of short lived overturning of such systems. I am asking that we have a real and long lasting end to the corruption. If one of us falls let every other one of us stand up speak up and act.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith 3/23/2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thoughts 3/17/2015

Another night without much sleep. Had to take more Lasix to get rid of excess fluid. Heart Failure is nothing to sneeze at. It guarantees one of these days I will drown because of it. Talked to a nurse at Cleveland Clinic and she offered hope for help in overcoming this. Even said I can get a same day or next day appointment in their clinic. They also have low cost stays in local motels as part of their service. Still have to come up with the money to make the trip. See what I can pawn or sell in the next few days.

The Washington Puke (excuse me Post) had a OpEd calling for war with Iran. Whoever wrote it and the editor who published it both had better lead the invasion. War never did anything but create misery, famine, rape and other nasty outcomes for the people involved. Even or troops are affected. After all when you have been taught all your life, not to kill and then are ordered to kill, it does something to you. No member of the military is anything more then a trained killer. No member of today's military is anything more then a paid assassin. Oh I forgot, our military brings in plenty of money for the banksters and the arms makers, so we have to be at war 24/7/365(366). We have to make enemies and occupy every square inch of Mother Earth. That my friends is manifest destiny.

Trying to figure out how to raise enough food here at Refuge this year to keep the local food bank well supplied. It's hard when you spend a lot of time flat on your back. Wish I had a way for everyone who needs it could come here and grow food for them self. I would find a way to donate seeds and even gas for my tiller. Would also like to create a permanent camp here for the homeless, would require a community kitchen and bath, but after that small shelters for individuals and families would be fine. Would also like to set up a market for all the artist and craft people in the area to sell what they make at a reasonable income for them and a reasonable price for the buyers.

The Subprime Minister of Israel has finally admitted he does not want peace or a two state solution. That has been apparent for anyone who watched what they did rather then what they said all along.

I still say our so called Federal Reserve is nothing more then another pyramid scheme to allow a handful of people to own everyone and everything.Anytime the worlds currency has it's value set by the cost of oil something is wrong. What backs their worthless paper any way?

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thoughts 3/15/2015

The Nuttyyahoo is complaining about foreign governments wants him out. Perhaps if he would withdraw to the recognized borders instead of dreaming of a nation the extends from Mt. Arrarat in Turkey to the Euphrates to Jedda in Saudia and to the Nile in Egypt Foreign governments might trust him and his plans more. Great Mystery has never given land to any people but those who live within it. Then they have the duty to protect and keep it clean and safeguard it from those who would despoil it for mere money.

Palestine has been thought of as holy. Can anyone show me anyplace which is not holy, which has not felt the touch of Great Mysterys hand? Can anyone show me a place that a Earthkeeper has not tried to keep strong, natural (holy) and safe as a abode for all creatures not just mankind?

Here in the United States, so much has been raped, mined, violated and paved over by the worshipers of the great supreme god money that very few places are left where a man or animal may go to be close to nature. Be thankful for the few holy places we have made into National Parks.

The original instruction was that mankind was to be the caretakers of this planet. To take only what we need and leave the rest for the next seven generations. What happened to being good stewards of what we were given to care for?

The greatest crime is that of making war on each other. Nowhere does that crime make children safe, keep the air and water pristine or allow the farmers to feed us. Nowhere does war make the conquered feel grateful for the invasion of others, the killing of wives, parents and children in the name of greed. Nowhere does war help to bring people together in good. All war does is create fear, terror, lack and resentment. Lets tell our fatherland/motherland/homeland politicians we will make war no more, starting now. Politicians have used war and fear to rule for way to long.

This morning I woke up early because I was having trouble breathing. My congestive heart failure once again has caused me to retain over ten pounds of water so I gurgle when I breath. I need to go to Cleveland Clinic to see what can be done about my heart failure as I am getting only palitive care here in TN. Only problem is I can't afford to go and stay for a extended time so they can work on me. So here I sit, gasping for breath and writing about things that have always mattered to everyone.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Do we need a repeat of the Bull and Hilarious presiduncy? I mean despite the fine speeches they governed from far to the right of Tricky Dick. Do we need more of Barry the Bomber government? He has governed despite his mouth far to the right of George W. Probably because the so called Dummycrats are thought of as the lessor evil. If your going to vote for evil, don't choose the lessor. Vote for what you really want pure unadulterated evil. Be proud that you looked at that persons record and voted to support the Koch  and the Wall Street Racketeers and their pyramid schemes. Vote for the the bought by the Banksters who crashed the economy evil and say so. Don't complain the Rethuglicand or the Dummycrats couldn't get their agenda passed because of the other party. If The Banksters or Wall Street wants something it passes quickly and quietly by both sham parties. If your rich enough to own a few congress critters and a presidunce you get what you want. Otherwise forget it. Remember WE HAVE THE BEST GOVERNMENT AT EVERY LEVEL THAT MONEY CAN BUY.

How can you trust the FCC, CDC, Agriculture Dept. or any other regulatory agency when the people running them are owned or came from the very industries they are supposed to regulate? Look at Treasury, it has been run by the banksters who broke the economy ever since. Is there any regulatory agency that isn't operated by and for the people it is supposed to regulate?

Either vote out the crooks and yes men who act as puppets for big money or find a way to make them less bought and paid for. May I suggest nobody can succeed them self in any office and all elections are publicly funded without any outside money as a starter!

Any government that does not serve the best interest of everyone is a failed government and illegal. Any government that can be bought is a government that does not deserve to exist.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thoughts Feb. 5th. 2015

Was talking to someone about medical care and other expenses today. Also about employment in a county with a 8.5 official unemployment rate and true unemployment rate of close to fifty per cent. That and other problems which plague us locally. I offered a few common sense solutions to these problems and struck everyone dumbfounded.

The first thing I talked about was the unemployment level. We have so many empty factory buildings in Greene County it's not funny. Yet the local business development group keeps chasing companies from elsewhere to come here. Usually they build them a new building and give them five or six years of tax and other incentives for doing so. in the meantime the existing buildings continue to sit empty. Then they wonder why when those tax incentives expire the company moves elsewhere and we have another empty building costing the tax payers money. Why not create a business locally either community owned or worker owned, Their are plenty of examples like the Farmers Co-Op or the Credit Unions or even the Green Bay Packers. Fund it at great rates, build it up and make it a success, after all we have out of work production workers, managers and salespeople to carry the idea forward. Then you have a business that has deep roots in the community, community and company loyalty and will never pack up and move because it is truly a part of the community. A simple concept but one not listened to by the people responsible for business development here.

The second idea I discussed was very simple. Medical cost even with insurance is getting more and more out of control. Get a bunch of people together and start a co-op medical service. Each member pays a fixed price per month for the service. They hire a MD and Nurses and support staff. Every owner can walk in and get health care, information on wellness maintenance and so on when they need to and thus unless you need something major you don't have to pay the high overhead of the commercial insurance companies and the high co pays. Your medical insurance/treatment company is owned and operated by you. A few people agreed with that idea.

Then I went into high gear. We have long ago lost the war on drugs. Legalize, not just pot but all drugs. Treat the addiction as a medical problem instead of a legal problem Tax and control the drugs just like you do for the more dangerous drugs alcohol and tobacco. You pay off your public debt, use taxes for building and repairing infrastructure and make the businesses pay for itself. You also reduce the need for police at all levels which reduces crime.

At last I touched on a pet project. Changing our eating and spending habits. Instead of going to the grocery store and buying food shipped several thousand miles and treated to prevent spoilage. Why not open up public and private land for people to grow food for them self? Use local resources and make even the schools grow stuff with the help of the students. Pay local farmers and local butchers to grown grass fed or free range meat and slaughter it. But allow the cows, Chickens or whatever to belong to the people who will consume it. I have 11.6 acres I would allow others to come and grown or graze stock on. I think many other people woul be glad to get paid for allowing others to use their land. What do you think?

 I am sure people reading this can and will come up with other ideas that are just as simple and just as doable. Like a regional art and craft gallery owned and staffed by the local artist who have no real market for what they produce. I have seen some pretty good local artist and craft people, I think  you have too.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thoughts 1/31/2015

Well February is upon us. Grandmother who never traveled much except among the Seneca and her relatives in Titusville, PA said every Feb. first that if February had two more days nobody would survive it.

Tomorrow is the Super Bore. I still don't know what it has to do with raising children, earning enough to live on, getting a education, building community or anything important.

The Senate has passed the pipeline construction bill. That just shows how much the government is for sale to the highest bidder. I was taught that the government was there to protect everyone, build things  like the interstae system that no company could or would, make sure children received a good education, provide for the least among us and protect us from greed. So what happened?

US Army hails success of Afghan training screams a headline today. Success, when the biggest danger to the soldiers is the people they are training. For that matter, what are we still doing in Afghanistan? After all the reason for invading was to get Osama Ben Lauden. According to the propaganda we got him, so end of mission. Get out and allow the people of that nation to decide how they want to live.

For that matter why do we have bases all over the world, Germany is not a enemy now so why bases there, same with Japan. For that matter why do we have bases anywhere except here in the United States? After all the mission of the military is to protect us from invasion. Can't do that in some other nation. As for protecting or insuring profits of some mutinational company which doesn't even pay taxes here is stupid. If they want our protection let them pay for it.

 The NYPD is getting machine guns. WHY? This is the same police force that choked someone to death for selling cigs? The same police force that attacked people assembled to share their dissatisfaction with our wall street racketeers and destroying the personal property of those people without a court order in violation of the Constitution. Instead of giving them more weapons to use against the people, either do away with them or limit them to protecting the people they work and live among.

When the government no longer serves the people it's governing, it either has to be changed or done away with, your choice.

 I invite comments either in agreement with or in opposition to my thoughts.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thoughts 1/27/2015

As much as I can think, I can not understand why the people of Amerikkka put up with the most corrupt government ever assembled at all levels. The Republicrat/Democran party has but one purpose, to maximize the bribes it gets for selling our governments services to the highest bidder.

Have you received one of the politicians news letters bragging about the accomplishments they have done in your name? Or have you written or called or e-mailed only to receive a prewritten form letter saying something about wanting to hear from you and haven't made up my mind about this or that. Then finding out they voted against your best interest once again. Remember the only way you can influence your town hall, county government, state government, national government is if you write to them in the form of a large check. If your name is Walton or Koch you can buy the politicians by the dozen but if your name is Jones, Smith or Doe forget it.

Perhaps I can see a way around this. Outlaw all political parties and make each candidate accept limits on political spending. That or do away with the local political powerhouse by canceling the town charter. That or start a council type organization to discuss local matters, with anyone and everyone. Get the people involved in local decisions and then when you figure out a solution go as a group before the criminal organization and say we have decided this is what we need.

Oh yes and eliminate the party designation or lack of same from the ballot and list all candidates by name only. Demand that candidates talk about local issues and what they think should be done. At least that would be a good start. That or remember governments have one purpose. To protect everyone, to serve everyone and to accomplish what business and self interest can't do.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thoughts 1/25/2015

Over fifty per cent of the US total budget for the year is for War. Why the hell should that be? If we spent a fraction of that on peace think how much better off we would be. Besides does our military by invading other nations to steal oil and other resources for multinational corporations make us any safer? It's time to remove the politicians who sell their soul for green junk with "In God We Trust" printed on it and for the people of the world to say "I will make war no more forever." It's time to say the banksters who finance both sides of every war are criminals and need to be jailed. Remember the Bush family financed Hitler. Nations rise and fall, maybe it's time to do away with nations and start remembering we are all human beings. Perhaps it's time to try something different. After all we have fought wars throughout history and what in the long run did those wars accomplish? Perhaps it's time to form a peoples council, open to everyone and having one purpose to settle disputes. One purpose to end wars and greed and solve the problems created by us. Including those of hunger, poverty, sickness and strife.

Bob Smith Human being, Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thoughts 1/23/2015

Democracy what is it or how do we obtain it?
It is a safe bet to assume it doesn't exist within the United States of Amerikkka.
Going by the voter registration and other factors neither major party has over about 15% of eligible voters among it's members. Given also that both parties are designed to sell their service to the highest bidder, that means 1% of all of us control everything government does. Why is this? We have more the two parties and they are as diverse as the people of this nation. You never heard of other parties, let me educate you.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thoughts jan. 13th. 2015

I am sick and tired of so called christians attacking the poor, those who are darker shaded and those who they want more from. The latest attack was performed by the elected Retuglican mock christians. The same people who support war everywhere. Now they are attacking the disabled with their attacks on Social Security. I don't remember Jesus refusing to heal others because they couldn't pay. Nor do I remember him demanding a test of those he fed. In fact if I remember when he found a disabled person he told them to take up their bed and walk, or cured the blindness. However our pseudo religious leaders seem to really worship only money. What happens when they meet up with Jesus and he tells them I know you not?

How could so so called leaders walk in support of freedom of the press when in their own  nations they are the first to attack the press.

If our constitution is so good, how come the extreme rich wrote it in secret, kicked out anyone who wasn't in alignment with them and overthrew the existing government. Oh they Also put down two rebellions over nobody but them having any say in government. Though that ended with them grudingly giving us the Bill of Rights which they have ignored or applied only to them self since.

Today I call for a new open Constitutional Convention to replace the one we have which exalts property over human needs. No Politicians, no so called religious leaders, just people who are willing to say enough of the worship of money. Lets hold it any where except Philadelphia/  Washington, DC and lets get it passed with basic human rights guaranteed above even the power of government.

in fact if it were not for the need for roads, bridges, and other shared needs I would call for the disolving of all governments.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) peacemaker, earthkeeper and human people.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Thoughts 1/9/2015

When you wake up in the morning remember that this day is a fresh canvas for you to paint your life on.

I don't know who this Pete Peterson is but I know he has bought the Republican Party. Probably like all Wall Street racketeers wants to control the money in the fund to further enrich himself. Free market my a##. Wall street is a casino and the house has all the odds.

Neither the Wests war on Muslims nor the attack on the French Journalist are either right nor justifiable by any religion.

When you support the troops remember you are today supporting a bunch of mercenaries. That is what any bunch of armed people who are working only for pay. That is what our military has been transformed into by the all Vol. do away with the draft has caused it to become. Not only that but for the most part they are being used to support and enrich not the USA but international corporations.

I am asking each of you to picture a world of peace and plenty for all, then to quote Star Track "Make it so".

Remember that to live means to be full of energy. You can not create or destroy enegy so the only thing that happens at death is that enegy is transformed into a different form.

Bob Smith USN Ret., Peacemaker & Earthkeeper. 1/9/2015