Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nuclear Weapons

The Nuclear Arsenal is the ultimate terror and war crime weapon ever invented.It doesn't provide security, it's existence is justified by the most stupid logic ever. It's  very purpose for years and years has been MAD (mutual assured destruction) which deserves the name MAD as whoever came up with it to justify these terror weapons had to be certifiably  insane. As did the politicians who went along with the destruction of our Mother the Earth and all her children as a policy. Just think the reason for the weapons is to leave Earth as a burned out lifeless shell. Pass it on.

Bob Smith Peacemaker Big Tree 9/16/2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just some thoughts

For the Chicago Teachers Union. Thank you it's about time everyday people stood up to the big money everything has to be done for profit.

For the Occupy movement. Thank you for saying and making known what I have been saying for years.

For the tree huggers I have been with you since 1955.

For the bloggers and outspoken among you keep up the good work.

For each and every one of you who speak out, stand up, show up or just provide support, keep it up.

For those around the world who do something for your people, for the animal activist, for the religious and humanitarian leaders who provide leadership in this push back against the worship of money, I am proud to be among your followers.

For all my family and friends everywhere, I hope to keep speaking out for ever but know my time here is almost done. Thanks for the love, support, encouragement and criticism you have given me.

For the people who say my elders wisdom makes a difference please pass the knowledge on.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Once it was different, today it can be said openly. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats serve the people (human beings) that elect them. Neither party serves the noble sounding trash they supposedly endorse in the party platforms. Neither party except when pressured by their base ever does anything to help the people on Main Street or on Back Alley. Both parties rile against the special interest. WHY to point the finger at each other. Both are lap dogs and servants to the big money from corporations and banksters represented by K Street. Both are for sale to the highest bidder. This is why the various various agencies supposed to protect us and serve our interest do not. This is why the courts can and do either rule against us or deliver a slap on the wrist when a big corporation is found to be doing something illegal. This is why We as people are suffering from lack of work, lack of public help and lack of a voice in our towns, our states and our Nation. It's not up to those who vote for the lessor of two evils. It's up to those who refuse to elect either evil. We do have other choices, find out what they stand for and use your right to vote to make a real change. We have the best government money can buy. Robert N. Smith GP & Peacemaker & candidate for the 1st. Congressional district of TN.

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28th. 2012

In the early villages which we called Kingdoms the military and police consisted of every person who could take up arms. Soon as the village prospered they began to pay soldiers to perform the task of military police. Soon after the paid military, police found that by attacking a neighboring village (Kingdom) they could get more money for weapons and warriors. Soon there after they decided they knew what was good for the village, so they deposed the elected leader and imposed a king. Soon after that the village consisted of royality and serfs. With the military/police acting as the keeper of the serfs. We are very close to that in the United States right now. Especially with our culture of perpetual war and military hero's. Remember the reason for our large nuclear weapons holdings. Mutual Assured Destruction. The doctrine that if you shoot at me I will kill you too. Our percieved enemy is gone but the weapons remain, WHY. Like our war department being renamed Defense Department. The largest Military on Earth, engaged in a couple of open and many clandestine wars around the world is not defending anything. So it is only logical to rename them the offensive war 's department. Our police no longer protect and serve the communities, they keep the poor and di9sadvantaged under check. Converting anyone who speaks out, stands up or whispers that things are wrong into serfs, in a prison labor force. Like the disparity of the war on drugs. Where some rich guy gets caught with coke or pot and gets at most a week of service to perform. The poor guy gets caught doing the same thing and gets five or more years in our prison industry. Think about it. Robert N. Smith USN RET.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st. 2012

It is time. time for the women of the world to stand up to the men and say no more war. Women are more affected by war then men are. They send their children and husbands to war, only to get back a shell or a body or nothing at all. They suffer rape, mutilation or forced prostitution at the hands of the soldiers. They are made homeless, widowed or bereaved no matter how far from the fighting they may be. If they are to be killed, raped or ravished let it be for standing between the warriors and saying no more fighting. No more of the insanity called war. From this day forward we will support only men who stand for and work for peace and understanding between all people.

From the elders who met me and asked that I come back when I passed on the time before last.

Bob Smith Big Tree 4/1/2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mar. 25th. 2012

If you like this tell others please.

Ask for this law in every state. It's simple, straightforward and in the
> public interest.
> All nuclear power facilities in this state must shut down within one
> year unless they answer the following three questions. No new plants may
> be started or completed unless they answer the same three questions.
> 1: Can you guarantee no radiation will be released if a natural disaster
> were to strike the plant?
> 2: Can you guarantee that no nuclear meltdown or release will occur due
> to human error?
> 3:Do you now or in the forseeable future have a plan for the disposal of
> radioactive waste materials generated from this plant?
> No waivers, extensions or other maneuvers to allow operation beyond this
> deadline shall be granted..
> Robert N. Smith USN RET & Peacemaker & Candidate for US House of
> Misrepresenitives 1st. Dist. TN

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jan. 23rd. 2012

I am running for TN 1st. Congressional Seat. Why I am sick of the stench of DC.

Robert (Bob) Smith