Saturday, January 31, 2015

Thoughts 1/31/2015

Well February is upon us. Grandmother who never traveled much except among the Seneca and her relatives in Titusville, PA said every Feb. first that if February had two more days nobody would survive it.

Tomorrow is the Super Bore. I still don't know what it has to do with raising children, earning enough to live on, getting a education, building community or anything important.

The Senate has passed the pipeline construction bill. That just shows how much the government is for sale to the highest bidder. I was taught that the government was there to protect everyone, build things  like the interstae system that no company could or would, make sure children received a good education, provide for the least among us and protect us from greed. So what happened?

US Army hails success of Afghan training screams a headline today. Success, when the biggest danger to the soldiers is the people they are training. For that matter, what are we still doing in Afghanistan? After all the reason for invading was to get Osama Ben Lauden. According to the propaganda we got him, so end of mission. Get out and allow the people of that nation to decide how they want to live.

For that matter why do we have bases all over the world, Germany is not a enemy now so why bases there, same with Japan. For that matter why do we have bases anywhere except here in the United States? After all the mission of the military is to protect us from invasion. Can't do that in some other nation. As for protecting or insuring profits of some mutinational company which doesn't even pay taxes here is stupid. If they want our protection let them pay for it.

 The NYPD is getting machine guns. WHY? This is the same police force that choked someone to death for selling cigs? The same police force that attacked people assembled to share their dissatisfaction with our wall street racketeers and destroying the personal property of those people without a court order in violation of the Constitution. Instead of giving them more weapons to use against the people, either do away with them or limit them to protecting the people they work and live among.

When the government no longer serves the people it's governing, it either has to be changed or done away with, your choice.

 I invite comments either in agreement with or in opposition to my thoughts.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thoughts 1/27/2015

As much as I can think, I can not understand why the people of Amerikkka put up with the most corrupt government ever assembled at all levels. The Republicrat/Democran party has but one purpose, to maximize the bribes it gets for selling our governments services to the highest bidder.

Have you received one of the politicians news letters bragging about the accomplishments they have done in your name? Or have you written or called or e-mailed only to receive a prewritten form letter saying something about wanting to hear from you and haven't made up my mind about this or that. Then finding out they voted against your best interest once again. Remember the only way you can influence your town hall, county government, state government, national government is if you write to them in the form of a large check. If your name is Walton or Koch you can buy the politicians by the dozen but if your name is Jones, Smith or Doe forget it.

Perhaps I can see a way around this. Outlaw all political parties and make each candidate accept limits on political spending. That or do away with the local political powerhouse by canceling the town charter. That or start a council type organization to discuss local matters, with anyone and everyone. Get the people involved in local decisions and then when you figure out a solution go as a group before the criminal organization and say we have decided this is what we need.

Oh yes and eliminate the party designation or lack of same from the ballot and list all candidates by name only. Demand that candidates talk about local issues and what they think should be done. At least that would be a good start. That or remember governments have one purpose. To protect everyone, to serve everyone and to accomplish what business and self interest can't do.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thoughts 1/25/2015

Over fifty per cent of the US total budget for the year is for War. Why the hell should that be? If we spent a fraction of that on peace think how much better off we would be. Besides does our military by invading other nations to steal oil and other resources for multinational corporations make us any safer? It's time to remove the politicians who sell their soul for green junk with "In God We Trust" printed on it and for the people of the world to say "I will make war no more forever." It's time to say the banksters who finance both sides of every war are criminals and need to be jailed. Remember the Bush family financed Hitler. Nations rise and fall, maybe it's time to do away with nations and start remembering we are all human beings. Perhaps it's time to try something different. After all we have fought wars throughout history and what in the long run did those wars accomplish? Perhaps it's time to form a peoples council, open to everyone and having one purpose to settle disputes. One purpose to end wars and greed and solve the problems created by us. Including those of hunger, poverty, sickness and strife.

Bob Smith Human being, Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thoughts 1/23/2015

Democracy what is it or how do we obtain it?
It is a safe bet to assume it doesn't exist within the United States of Amerikkka.
Going by the voter registration and other factors neither major party has over about 15% of eligible voters among it's members. Given also that both parties are designed to sell their service to the highest bidder, that means 1% of all of us control everything government does. Why is this? We have more the two parties and they are as diverse as the people of this nation. You never heard of other parties, let me educate you.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thoughts jan. 13th. 2015

I am sick and tired of so called christians attacking the poor, those who are darker shaded and those who they want more from. The latest attack was performed by the elected Retuglican mock christians. The same people who support war everywhere. Now they are attacking the disabled with their attacks on Social Security. I don't remember Jesus refusing to heal others because they couldn't pay. Nor do I remember him demanding a test of those he fed. In fact if I remember when he found a disabled person he told them to take up their bed and walk, or cured the blindness. However our pseudo religious leaders seem to really worship only money. What happens when they meet up with Jesus and he tells them I know you not?

How could so so called leaders walk in support of freedom of the press when in their own  nations they are the first to attack the press.

If our constitution is so good, how come the extreme rich wrote it in secret, kicked out anyone who wasn't in alignment with them and overthrew the existing government. Oh they Also put down two rebellions over nobody but them having any say in government. Though that ended with them grudingly giving us the Bill of Rights which they have ignored or applied only to them self since.

Today I call for a new open Constitutional Convention to replace the one we have which exalts property over human needs. No Politicians, no so called religious leaders, just people who are willing to say enough of the worship of money. Lets hold it any where except Philadelphia/  Washington, DC and lets get it passed with basic human rights guaranteed above even the power of government.

in fact if it were not for the need for roads, bridges, and other shared needs I would call for the disolving of all governments.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) peacemaker, earthkeeper and human people.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Thoughts 1/9/2015

When you wake up in the morning remember that this day is a fresh canvas for you to paint your life on.

I don't know who this Pete Peterson is but I know he has bought the Republican Party. Probably like all Wall Street racketeers wants to control the money in the fund to further enrich himself. Free market my a##. Wall street is a casino and the house has all the odds.

Neither the Wests war on Muslims nor the attack on the French Journalist are either right nor justifiable by any religion.

When you support the troops remember you are today supporting a bunch of mercenaries. That is what any bunch of armed people who are working only for pay. That is what our military has been transformed into by the all Vol. do away with the draft has caused it to become. Not only that but for the most part they are being used to support and enrich not the USA but international corporations.

I am asking each of you to picture a world of peace and plenty for all, then to quote Star Track "Make it so".

Remember that to live means to be full of energy. You can not create or destroy enegy so the only thing that happens at death is that enegy is transformed into a different form.

Bob Smith USN Ret., Peacemaker & Earthkeeper. 1/9/2015