Monday, March 30, 2015

Thoughts 3/30/2015

Today is  special day as is every day. Today someone asked me if I have any hope for mankind.My answer is yes I do. Not as we are today a fear ridden, consumer society. Not as a top down leadership society but as a new /old society. I have been trying to preserve Teachings of the elders who helped raise me. I have also had visions of the future and like most visions they show to outcomes, each based on the choices we face today. Some of those visions show dark and bloody outcomes. Some show A transition into a new and very positive change in society. Both are within reach of the people I know, love, interact with and cherish.

The society I have been trying to preserve is goes back anywhere between 1000 and 10,000 years and is the oral traditions and teach hings of one small place in the 1950's. A small doomed Seneca Community called Kinzua on the banks of the Allegheny River in NW Pennsylvania. A community that even as i was growing up and visiting often had the shadow of a 700 ft. dam just downstream.I am working on a book, parts of which I have shared as Elders Wisdom. A  book I hope not only will connect people with the tribal and cultural past but even more give us starting points to change both our selves and our world. It is that which gives me hope because many people are seeking to live such in every day life. Not remotely and culturally outside of every day life but in every day life no matter where they find them self.

Today i have been following the news which is mostly about prejudice, war and crime.  A news that if taken literately brings out the most dark and dire of the future I have been shown. A time when mobs storm the capitol and all capitols. A time when politicians decorate every light pole in Washington, Dc and even the local town halls are torn apart board by board by the people they are supposed to serve. A time when Nuclear war touches not just remote nations but even Chicago and Houston. A time of starvation, rape, killing and little hope for anyone to survive. Though even then small pockets some even within cities will come through. Though I pity the rich, the banksters and the movers and shakers of today for they will face the same end as the French Aristocrats. That is the dark side of what I was shown. I will probably see the beginning of this if it comes about. That like I said is a matter of choice, not by the powerful but by people like you and I.

I also have received more then usual questions from people today about how to change what they see as modern slavery. What they see as a return to the world of Dickens and Scrooge. People who are looking for someone to lead them out of the wilderness of our war ridden, world of the homeless, the unemployed, the sick and the class/racially profiled dog eat dog world. I can give them pointers but they are the ones who have to change society. They are the people who have to take Elders Wisdom and other teachings and make those as starting points to create a heaven on earth. This to I will probably see the start of. Once again it is a matter of choice by the very people who will read what I have to share today.

In the mean time I have been asked by those on the other side to come back and help bring about the good changes. Changes in government where the government is not only for the people but is the people. Not a government which serves only those who can afford to buy the politicians. A government which sees every man woman and child as resources for and valuable to the community. A government where mankind is not apart from nature but a part of nature, conserving and renewing the world for  the future generations.

Today I spent much of my day trying to get the appointments set up at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Institute. Because if I am to do what I came back from the dead to do I have to be stronger and able to get out in the community more. Hope to go and see what they can do with a tired old body.

Sometime tomorrow I will complete my seventy third trip around the Sun. So even if the  mD's can not do anything for me I have had a great ride.

Bob Smith Peacemaker/ Earthkeeper and human being.
March 30th. 2014

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thoughts 3/27/2015

The biggest terror organization in this country is the FBI/TSA/DEA/Local po-LICE/ect. The biggest terror organization in the world is the US Military, which has one job to kill and main as many people as it can.

Lets face it the Democrat/Republican/Tea uni-party has only one function. To sell the service of the government we support to the highest briber.

Name one person, no matter their sex, religion, race or education who does not have something special to offer to their family, community or the world. Thus nobody should ever be terminated by any po-LICE or Army.

If a business can not make it without corporate status after twenty years it does not deseve to continue in business. If a corporation does not serve as part of it's purpose some public good, then it does not deserve to be a corporation. No corporation should be allowed to buy any government through legal or illegal bribes. Nor should any corporation have a say in the regulations governing it. If any corporation pays out money to buy the service of a government bureau or political party it should be charged with bribery. it's officers should be charged with maintaining a criminal enterprise . Upon conviction the corporation shall be confiscated and sold off to recover the public monies the would have come in otherwise. In fact I don't know why all business isn't local, sustainable and governed by the same people who use it's services. Nor can I understand why banks should be allowed to create money. This includes the bank owned bank called the Federal Reserve.

Next week I will be going to the Cleveland Clinic to see if they can help me with my Congestive Heart Failure, Badly damaged heart or whatever you want to call it. Woke up short of breath again this morning. Last night I was feeling weak and after checking everything else took my blood glucose reading. It was down to eighty.

 Remembering back when I was a kid. One of the elders who taught me and the other children at Kinzua had lost his leg in WW1. With his crutch and determination he took part even in the dances. Wish I was as strong and determined as he was. I seem to remember he was a combat medic and was wounded at Guadalcanal. Never did hear his story from him. I try to pass on what I was taught but wish I knew more of the stories of the people I knew then.

One story I was told about was that of Old Mary. She was rounded up from one of the SW tribes, though I don't know which one and sent to Indian School. Both her and her best friend got pregnant by the minister running the school. Her friend accused the minister of rape. She was accused of lying and beat to death. Mary snuck out of the school that night and hid in nearby woods. She was found by a Seneca Warrior who took he back to Kinzua, where she had her baby.  she was adopted into the tribe and a few years alter married the first of six husbands, all of whom she outlived. I was told she had seven children, all of whom she outlived.  She also had eighteen Grandchildren, only two of which were alive when I knew her. She had thirty great grandchildren and At the time of her death six great-great grandchildren. She was 102 when I first met her and passed on four years later. She was one of the softest spoken and wise women I ever met.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith

Monday, March 23, 2015

I am going to talk about the buying of our government also called bribery. Lets just put our cards on the table. The RICO act is aimed at organized crime. It has also been used successfully against several major corporations including GE. It has also been used against individuals. When directed against individuals every bit of unlawful gain was recaptured and the individuals went to jail. Well I am proposing we use it as citizens at least the Republican to target four criminal organizations, a handful of people paying bribes and  all of the recipients of such bribes. I am talking about The Major Banks, the Major Political Parties and the Koch brothers who make no bones about buying the Republican Party at every level including National, State and Local. I know a individual can file RICO ACT Charges but don't know the process. I guess I can find out soon enough because what they are doing is stealing from me, you and every person in Amerikkka. They are imposing slavery on anyone who doesn't have a few million to buy a government oaf. They are using money as a way to subvert the system of checks and balances. Directly attacking the Constitution and making the rest of us into serfs. Since when except in Feudal Europe or Feudal China has a whole nation of people been held in subjugation by a few. I don't know about you but I would rather have a bloodless culling of the high and mighty. France and Russia both gave examples of short lived overturning of such systems. I am asking that we have a real and long lasting end to the corruption. If one of us falls let every other one of us stand up speak up and act.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith 3/23/2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thoughts 3/17/2015

Another night without much sleep. Had to take more Lasix to get rid of excess fluid. Heart Failure is nothing to sneeze at. It guarantees one of these days I will drown because of it. Talked to a nurse at Cleveland Clinic and she offered hope for help in overcoming this. Even said I can get a same day or next day appointment in their clinic. They also have low cost stays in local motels as part of their service. Still have to come up with the money to make the trip. See what I can pawn or sell in the next few days.

The Washington Puke (excuse me Post) had a OpEd calling for war with Iran. Whoever wrote it and the editor who published it both had better lead the invasion. War never did anything but create misery, famine, rape and other nasty outcomes for the people involved. Even or troops are affected. After all when you have been taught all your life, not to kill and then are ordered to kill, it does something to you. No member of the military is anything more then a trained killer. No member of today's military is anything more then a paid assassin. Oh I forgot, our military brings in plenty of money for the banksters and the arms makers, so we have to be at war 24/7/365(366). We have to make enemies and occupy every square inch of Mother Earth. That my friends is manifest destiny.

Trying to figure out how to raise enough food here at Refuge this year to keep the local food bank well supplied. It's hard when you spend a lot of time flat on your back. Wish I had a way for everyone who needs it could come here and grow food for them self. I would find a way to donate seeds and even gas for my tiller. Would also like to create a permanent camp here for the homeless, would require a community kitchen and bath, but after that small shelters for individuals and families would be fine. Would also like to set up a market for all the artist and craft people in the area to sell what they make at a reasonable income for them and a reasonable price for the buyers.

The Subprime Minister of Israel has finally admitted he does not want peace or a two state solution. That has been apparent for anyone who watched what they did rather then what they said all along.

I still say our so called Federal Reserve is nothing more then another pyramid scheme to allow a handful of people to own everyone and everything.Anytime the worlds currency has it's value set by the cost of oil something is wrong. What backs their worthless paper any way?

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thoughts 3/15/2015

The Nuttyyahoo is complaining about foreign governments wants him out. Perhaps if he would withdraw to the recognized borders instead of dreaming of a nation the extends from Mt. Arrarat in Turkey to the Euphrates to Jedda in Saudia and to the Nile in Egypt Foreign governments might trust him and his plans more. Great Mystery has never given land to any people but those who live within it. Then they have the duty to protect and keep it clean and safeguard it from those who would despoil it for mere money.

Palestine has been thought of as holy. Can anyone show me anyplace which is not holy, which has not felt the touch of Great Mysterys hand? Can anyone show me a place that a Earthkeeper has not tried to keep strong, natural (holy) and safe as a abode for all creatures not just mankind?

Here in the United States, so much has been raped, mined, violated and paved over by the worshipers of the great supreme god money that very few places are left where a man or animal may go to be close to nature. Be thankful for the few holy places we have made into National Parks.

The original instruction was that mankind was to be the caretakers of this planet. To take only what we need and leave the rest for the next seven generations. What happened to being good stewards of what we were given to care for?

The greatest crime is that of making war on each other. Nowhere does that crime make children safe, keep the air and water pristine or allow the farmers to feed us. Nowhere does war make the conquered feel grateful for the invasion of others, the killing of wives, parents and children in the name of greed. Nowhere does war help to bring people together in good. All war does is create fear, terror, lack and resentment. Lets tell our fatherland/motherland/homeland politicians we will make war no more, starting now. Politicians have used war and fear to rule for way to long.

This morning I woke up early because I was having trouble breathing. My congestive heart failure once again has caused me to retain over ten pounds of water so I gurgle when I breath. I need to go to Cleveland Clinic to see what can be done about my heart failure as I am getting only palitive care here in TN. Only problem is I can't afford to go and stay for a extended time so they can work on me. So here I sit, gasping for breath and writing about things that have always mattered to everyone.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper