Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thoughts July 23rd. 2015

How long will  it take for people to wake up. We do not live in a democracy. We live in a Republic/Oligarchy. The Repucrat/Demopublican Party is one party designed to extract the most bribes for their service. Our Constitution says it's a Republic, which means people are elected to represent us. In truth it is a handful of people who buy elections, control the people you get to choose from and get all the service from their chosen lackeys. These same people also own the military/industrial complex so they make more money only if we are at war. They own the banks so our money is all debt to them. They own the newspapers, TV Stations, Insurance companies and so on so we are told to be good little consumers and send our children to  war so they can get more oil, minerals and starvation wages from those we conquer. Our children come home with  training with one job, hired killer. They shower us with things they say will make life better, so you will give them your hard earned money for things. Things and money can't buy happiness  so we walk around saddled with debt, and a permanent cloud of gloom over our heads. Why is this true? because they distract you with sports, actors, drugs (yes they  own and control the drug trade also), and pointing at others even less fortunate as the cause of your problems. WAKE UP PEOPLE! All of us, Red,White Black Brown or Yellow are used as cheap labor,slave labor in jail, or as dreaming  supporters of the system.

Have you ever wondered why things are the way   they are. Have you ever wondered why politicians lie? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

People ask me why I keep running for Congress as a Green here in TN First Congressional District. It's simple no elected official represents or speaks for the poor, the minorities, the disabled, the women, the animals, the fish, the birds, the creepy crawlys (including bee's), the trees and plants, the Earth itself, so I figure that's part of what needs doing.

Elders Wisdom:

The only real change in society comes when enough people see something basically wrong with the way things are and do something about it. Change never comes from the top down but from the bottom up. Just remember you came into this earth for a short time to live, grow, learn and interact. You owe it to  the next seven generations to pass on something good, something lasting and above all something which will serve them in their time of need. Don't fail yourself or them by standing by and saying it's someone Else's job.

Big Tree 7/23/2015

Bob Smith 7/23/2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thoughts Jul. 12th 2015

So many people underemployed or unemployed. Many getting by with food bank and friends. We have to take a look at what were doing wrong.

To begin with we bailed out the wrong people when the banksters crashed our economy. They should all be in jail for running criminal enterprises instead of still committing crimes and getting bonuses. Besides they create money out of nothing and charge us interest on it. The money is backed by nothing, did not exist without a bookkeeping  entry and  More money exists on paper the is in circulation so we can never pay the debt off. Bank of America, Wells Fargo and others keep falsifying cheating and getting fined but nobody has gone to jail and allof the big banks keepup their crooked ways.

I have 11.6 acres here,about seven are capable of growing crops. I am willing to let a CO-Op grow here rent free for a year if they will uses hoop houses, cold frames and  so on to grow and harvest year round.
I am sure many other locations outside of CA are capable of doing the same.I know of one such operation in Down  East Maine.  It just depends on people willing to give their time,effort and a little money to get started. Better food, locally grown and  provide income for out of work people at the same time.

In the same spirit, Wal-Fart has raised their prices here now they do not have local competition. So why not start a Co-Op buyers club to compete? They can buy stuff at wholesale, bring it into the local community to a distribution point and people can go and pick up what they ordered. You prepay, and get your stuff cheaper.

I  don't know  about where you live but here we have factories shut down and buildings sitting empty. We have experienced worker, managers, sales people and maintenance people out of work. All we need is a CO-OP to use those resource and make stuff we can sell within a hundred miles.

We already have a Farmers Co-Op, Credit Unions and so on here, just expand on the idea. We even have a local dairy here but very few dairy operations.Most of the farmers still in business here are raising beef cattle.

Anyone else have any ideas, even a arts and crafts Co-Op would help?

Bob Smith 7/12/2015