Sunday, April 27, 2014


It seems to me that a living wage which will support a family or allow a person to get ahead with current inflation rates is more like $25 then it is $15. So why not demand a return to a minimum wage that reflects this adjusted for inflation?

Since banks have turned into the Mafioso's of today why not break them up,, sell their assets and jail their upper management?

If each and every person in the world has something special to contribute and each and every person is important, then why are we not providing shelter, food, education and medical care for all of them?

Who is the ideal ruler of any nation? why you of course and you and you and you and me. Horizontal government with everyone having a say in whats done with our commons is the government of the future. It takes everyone's input. It responds to changing needs and changing information, and above all it makes sure everyone is involved.

What do you love doing? What special talent do you share with others that makes all of you feel good? Why not share your special ability with others?

When everything gets to be too much, try listening to the breezes, listening to the sound of moving water or listening to the the other sounds of nature. It does help and just 15 minutes will do to remove the pressure of everyday events.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Who does war benefit. Certainly not the people killing and being killed.  Nor does it benefit the elders, women and children caught in the crossfire or being raped in turn by the warriors who happen to control the places they live. It doesn't do anything but provide a world of misery for those who play in the fields where unexploded weapons lie in wait to take a arm or leg. It doesn't benefit the farmer who see's his crops destroyed or his barns burned or his animals killed. It doesn't benefit the families huddled in their urban homes who have grenades thrown in the windows. Shells come through the roof, or Soldiers enter firing indiscriminately.It doesn't benefit the thousands stuck in refugee camps with little food, water, medical supplies or educational outlets for the children. It doesn't benefit the shop owners and venders who no longer can obtain their products to sell.
So who benefits? Could it be the people making and selling the side arms those soldiers carry. Could it be the people who make the single use bullets that are exchanged indiscriminately? Could it be the makers of the warships, and airplanes? Perhaps it's the makers of the drones that kill from afar and without warning? Or if the truth be known it's the bankers who finance both sides. People far removed from war and it's consequences. People who count the war as win/win because either the victors or the losers still have to pay for the weapons and bombs and death benefits of those who lose permanently  Maybe it's time to beat the swords and spears into plows and pruning hooks. Maybe it's time to make war on the bankers. to take the spoils of war from them. to make them serve a useful purpose like working to help the farmers who lost the crops and animals rebuild the farms. To care for the injured as orderlies. To rebuild the homes destroyed in the fighting. To pass out food and water to those in refugee camps. To serve indefinite detention like the enemy combatants. To clean the fields of unexploded ordnance. To serve on labor gangs cleaning up the DU, and chemical weapon residue. To serve as enemy combatants in indefinite detention in GITMO. then those who profit from the wars will serve a real purpose. In the meantime "I will fight no more forever."

Friday, April 25, 2014

Today I am thinking of what I would like to see the world become. For
the two legged people I would like to see government by consensus. Free
education for all. Something to replace the IOU's issued by banks which
we call money. Health care for all, without restrictions imposed by
insurance companies and the greed of our sick care system. Shelter as a
human right. If we have a representational Government then let our
representitives be drawn by random from all people being represented.
Food as a right and not something beyond the afford-ability of some. A
government that guarantees all people who live get paid enough to live
on. Everyone has the right to live and contribute, be it a stay at home
parent, a artist, a care giver, a small farmer or even a story teller or
medicine man/woman. That animals and nature have rights also, and not be
managed for man's convenience. that war's be outlawed and all arms be
destroyed including those carried by the police. Can anyone help me with
how to formulate a constitution which would bring my dreams into
reality? Can anyone help me to bring a constitutional convention to
bring this form of government into being? We have to change our bought
and sold system quickly before we all become extinct.

We have a very powerful thermonuclear device which is conviently away
from population centers, produces energy beyond any foreseeable needs
and is not being used very much right now. It's called the sun. Lets use
it and get rid of our present power systems.

In every health care situation I know of, nobody stands as a voice for
the patient. nobody coordinates between the various care providers.
Nobody looks at the physical, mental and spiritual needs of people to
make sure they have everything necessary to get well if they are sick
and to stay well if they are well. this is provided as part of the care
among so called backwards medicine people, but not in modern medicine.

Many of societies ills could be solved if we had talking circles where
each had a say in turn and each had to listen to the others story. More
could be helped by teaching some form of meditiation that people could
heal their emotions from within. Of course this would not go over too
well with the extreme proponents of control. After all our religious and
political leaders maintain their status and power by laws and control
over the followers. If you don't believe this read 1984 again.

I wish everyone a good day and enough.

Please comment and share these thoughts with others. Maybe you have
ideas you want to see also.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacmaker, Earthkeeper

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Unions or trade organizations were formed around protecting the members. As such they have both negotiating options and hell raising options. some trade organizations such as the AMA and the American Bar Association were formed and still serve the singular purpose of keeping the income of it's members as high as possible. Unions on the other hand have several responsibilities, chief among them is obtaining fair wages for the members.  Another reason for their existence is to ensure safety, protect against harassment and protect against unjustified workplace rules. Yes they can negotiate in good faith, but that is not the end of what they can do. Remember workplace safety started in NY after the Triangle fire, though the unions had been fighting for safety before that. Unions also brought about the eight hour day, paid vacations, the forty hour week, medical coverage, pensions and a bunch of other things. It's time to reinforce these things which the corporations are doing away with. These things were not won by negotiations. They were won buy outright HELL RAISING. They were won by work stoppages, strikes (even wildcat), occupation of the workplace, slowdowns, and even the wrongful convictions and killing of union members. As May day approaches, I wan't everyone to remember that May Day represents more then just a celebration of Spring. It is celebrated as workers day or Union day in the rest of the world. That came about because of the murder of Union people on strike in the Haymarket Massacre by the Chicago Police. Remember though the police have one of the strongest unions today, the use of excess force, violation of rights including the first amendment and due process is not new. Po-Lice or armed thugs to protect the rich have been around for centuries. It's time to form a universal Union to protect us from the Rich and the governments they own. IT'S TIME TO USE SIT IN'S, WORK SLOWDOWNS, BOYCOTTS, STRIKES, AND HELL RAISING TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL OF US FROM THE RICH AND THE GOVERNMENT THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM THE REST OF US. FOR THOSE IN RELIGIOUS institutions PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS MEANS STANDING UP FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER AND ARE IN NEED.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) 4/22/2014
Please pass this on if you agree.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Corporate People

Corporations are people? However they can't be jailed for committing crimes. they can't die unless their owners kill them or sell them to a bigger competitor. For the most part if they deliberately violate the law and are fined, thats just a cost of doing business. They can and do own more then one elected or appointed official., so how do we deal with these super people? They don't even for the most part pay their fair share of taxes. In fact they have turned the income tax structure on it's head. After all by law Income Tax is a tax on profits, and wages or salary are not profits. so somehow they have the customers and employees paying the taxes for them. Not only that but somehow or another they have made it imposable for it's customers to get any where near the compensation for damages they do to us by deliberate fraud and shoddy products, nor can we do anything about false advertising because they have free speech, which somehow the government denies to us mere human beings. Lets return Income tax back to a tax on declared profits. Lets limit corporations to at most forty years lifespan unless they serve some public good. After all if a company can't make it without the special breaks of corporate hood after forty years it's very poorly run and does not deserve special treatment to continue. Above all if a corporation kills someone by deliberate action or inaction, kill the corporation. Not just that but charge the management which made the corporate decision and seize the assets they funneled into their pocket and jail them for the crime.  Let the very first death penalty be for buying of our elected officials. Who should also be jailed for a minimum of fifty years for accepting bribes.

Bob Smith 4/9/2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Political corruption

The Republican party today is the KKK party and the Tea party as well as the Democrat party is the Nazi  and Fachist party's of today. All three are for sale, and as corrupt as any third world government parties. We as a nation are in deep doo-doo, so what are we going to do?  It's not like people don't have choises. The following lists are alternative parties to the Dempublican or Repliocrat party which is joined at the hip in corruption. Choose one of the others (they all have web sites which explain their positions. Lets retire the useless to real service parties Two names both joined at the hip in serving to collect bribes and serve the highest bidder. No choice for the rest of us except to put up with corruption.  They are other partie, go online, find out about them then tell the major parties bye.

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper, Green Party candidate for Congress. 4/5/2012

These are the major parties in existance today.
Democratic Party50 + DC1828
Republican Party50 + DC1854
International Democrat Union
Libertarian Party45 + DC[2]1971
Green Party37 + DC[4]1991
Global Greens
Constitution Party37[4]1992
These are the minor parties in the USA today.

America First Party*2002

American Conservative Party2008

American Freedom Party2010American Third Position Party
American Populist Party2009

Americans Elect2011

America's Party2008America's Independent Party
Christian Liberty Party*1996American Heritage Party
Citizens Party of the United States2004New American Independent Party
Communist Party USA1919
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Freedom Socialist Party1966

Independent American Party1998

Justice Party2011

Modern Whig Party2008

National Socialist Movement1974
World Union of National Socialists
Objectivist Party2008

Party for Socialism and Liberation2004

Peace and Freedom Party1967

Pirate Party2006
Pirate Party International (observer)
Prohibition Party1869

Reform Party of the United States of America1995United We Stand America
Socialist Action1983
Fourth International
Socialist Alternative1986
Committee for a Workers' International
Socialist Equality Party1966Workers LeagueInternational Committee of the Fourth International
Socialist Party USA1973

Socialist Workers Party1938
Pathfinder tendency (unofficial)
United States Marijuana Party2002

United States Pacifist Party1983

Unity Party of America2004

Workers World Party1959