Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 14th. 2014

One of the greatest truths I have ever heard was this. "You are Gods." Not the old fashioned stern do as I say not as I do type of gods. Not the vengeful gods of yore. Nor the Gods who desire you devotion unwavering. Because it was the only words they had you were taught to believe in faith. Faith does not give you power over yourself or others, nor should it. Blindly believing is just another way to give power to others. Using fear and laws to control self and others is just plain wrong. For in that way lies only more fear and pain. Trying to manipulate and use others for your own gains bring neither happiness nor anything but more fear driven control.

So what do you replace faith with? Something that the Greeks and Romans, the Buddha's and the others did not have a word to describe. Something that has existed since the beginning of humankind. Something only given voice by poet's, artist and those we called insane or even worse witches and sorcerers. thoughts or even more real imagination.

Each of us needs to go deep within our self. We each need to see our ideal world. Populate it with things, songs, ideas and make it so real it becomes your goal in life. We then need to share our vision with others. Not just share but help them to create a vision for them self. then the two of you share your visions and incorporate that shared vision into each of you. Then you both must do the same over and over with others until it becomes the normal way of creating. When even ten of you share such ideals then they become reality. within a generation you can make those inner dreams and ideals reality.  You are no longer bound by stereotype, limited by convention, forced to play your role in life without any hope while here.

You no longer do what others desire, going along top get along. You have the capacity to build a world of peace, abundance and even love. You really become a god or goddess.

Use your imagination, share your world with others freely and as another who did the same said long ago "You will do all I did and more."

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and Human Being 8/14/2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 10th. 2014

The only way we are going to have world peace is for the United States to stop using it's military instead of diplomacy. The only way we are going to do that is to put a cramp on the Banksters who own our politicians. After all they make tons of money off of our constant wars and threat of wars. Because every shell, every bullet and every billion dollar defense system is a one use throwaway. As are the troops that do the invading, occupying and dying. Why do you think they underfund the VA? The only thing that matters is the continuous war. However the last time the United States was invaded was in 1812, so why do we fight wars for Banksters and Corporations? Remember that the United States is just a extension of what used to be the Roman Empire with the same objective and same outlook. It's only purpose right now is world domination (New World Order) for our corporate masters.

 I was taught growing up that the only form of government that is worth anything is one where every person has a direct voice and direct involvement. All other governments including that of the United States is a government based on fear and control. Which would you rather govern you a system of top down fear controlled or one where the needs and thoughts of everyone are part of the system?

I can see no difference between Jew and Palestinian. Or between Russian and Amerikkkan. Both are made up  of human beings,male and female, each with a life that is just as valuable. So why do we send soldiers to kill each other. While the other side does the same. That is the definition of insanity. No wonder our troops come home with PTSD.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thoughts Aug.8th. 2014

I just saw a picture of a young child blown in half by Israel. When people are treated like we treat animals, they can not be called civilized, moral or special. Only when people work for peace,  betterment of others and mutual understanding may they be called special. Making war on a defenseless people is never to be accepted by any moral person. This also applies to the United States of Amerikkka. Who holds the record for killing elders, women and children. Both will go down in history as worse then Hitler. May Mr. Washington and his minions of hate be consigned to the dust bin of history along with the criminal colony called Israel.The Jewish/Christian religion is fine but what Israel/USA has become is a abomination to all mankind. No wonder Grandmother said to take the best of religious teachings and never become part of any of them.

I have said this many times in many forms. HOW YOU ACT IS A MATTER OF CHOICE,  HOWEVER IN SO CHOOSING WHY NOT ACT IN SUCH A MANNER AS YOU DESCENDENTS CAN LOOK AT YOU AS A GOOD EXAMPLE. After all what you say and do will become part of what influences the next seven generations. Also those around you will either look at you as a good example or as a EXAMPLE of someone to be avoided.

Remember science says energy can not be created or destroyed. Life is being animated by energy, so when life ceases what happens to the energy which animated your body? It still exists, only in a different form. This from someone who has been on the other side five times now.

Does anyone know how to change a nation so it has democracy? Amerikkka is in dire need of being changed. How do you teach that win/win is the only solution to all problems faced in life?

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and human being. 8/8/2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 7th. 2014

Once again I am reminded of my mortality. Another heart attack on 8/4/2014. Then discovered I have very poor circulation in both legs. Will be going in for opening of my arteries at 1PM tomorrow. In the mean time I am sitting in the hospital and confined to bed.

The Presidunce has sent air drops for people stuck on a mountain in Iraq. Who has trained the Islamic State and supplied them with weapons and brand new trucks? Why not just cut the supply lines? No supplies means no war. Oh that's right then the Banksters couldn't make profits from arming both sides.

The Presedunce also said mistakes were made in using torture early on in the war of terror we are conducting against anyone who happen to live on top of the resources we want.This is to prevent the punishment of those who led and conducted the torture. I for one hope everyone guilty of violations of our Constitution and The rules of war we are bound by under treaty. If not then the government is no longer legal. If they are not punished then the Presidunce is guilty of obstruction of justice.

No one person is going to change the world. No one idea is going to make everything OK. No one cause is going to be successful without help from other causes. What I am trying to say is with so many things wrong with our system, we have to work, share and become community.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and human being. 8/7/2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 4th. 2014

How many times have you said, I'm going to do____________________ someday? Today is someday what have you done today? After all One of these days and you don't know when you run out of somedays.

I am running for congress against the for sale poli-TICS, you know poly = many and TICS = a blood sucking parasite. Phil Roe has his signs out already, same as always it reads "people not politics". However the people who  He serves  are the Koch brothers, the Walton family and any person with bank or incorporated in their name. A real professional politician.Well schooled in the art of accepting bribes and getting away with it. I still haven't raised  any money to challenge him. Even his democrap opponent has at least three signs in the county. That's two more then me.

The continued war on civilians in both Gaza and Ukraine are ongoing and financed by us. WHY?

what I can't understand is how people vote against their own best interest.  Republicans have fgot the vote of the southern block and the religious block, However they pretend to vote for things for those people. Blaming the Democraps for not being able to get the stuff passed. The Democrats do the same thing and blame the Rethuglicans. However if it's something that a big briber (campaign donor) wants they both vote to pass it. We do not have a two party system. We have a single party designed to solicit the most bribes for selling our government with two branches. That way people vote for the lessor of two evils. They both ARE OWNED BY THE SAME BANKSTERS AND WALL STREET RACKETEERS.

The purpose of the US military is to defend us from invasion. Instead we invade other countries and steal the resources.

How many times do politicians ask for our ideas or our suggestions. Even at town meetings its always their agenda. How about bottom up government for a change. Let me know what you think should be done or what you need. Get people together to make suggestions on how we can have a voice in government.