Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 4th. 2014

How many times have you said, I'm going to do____________________ someday? Today is someday what have you done today? After all One of these days and you don't know when you run out of somedays.

I am running for congress against the for sale poli-TICS, you know poly = many and TICS = a blood sucking parasite. Phil Roe has his signs out already, same as always it reads "people not politics". However the people who  He serves  are the Koch brothers, the Walton family and any person with bank or incorporated in their name. A real professional politician.Well schooled in the art of accepting bribes and getting away with it. I still haven't raised  any money to challenge him. Even his democrap opponent has at least three signs in the county. That's two more then me.

The continued war on civilians in both Gaza and Ukraine are ongoing and financed by us. WHY?

what I can't understand is how people vote against their own best interest.  Republicans have fgot the vote of the southern block and the religious block, However they pretend to vote for things for those people. Blaming the Democraps for not being able to get the stuff passed. The Democrats do the same thing and blame the Rethuglicans. However if it's something that a big briber (campaign donor) wants they both vote to pass it. We do not have a two party system. We have a single party designed to solicit the most bribes for selling our government with two branches. That way people vote for the lessor of two evils. They both ARE OWNED BY THE SAME BANKSTERS AND WALL STREET RACKETEERS.

The purpose of the US military is to defend us from invasion. Instead we invade other countries and steal the resources.

How many times do politicians ask for our ideas or our suggestions. Even at town meetings its always their agenda. How about bottom up government for a change. Let me know what you think should be done or what you need. Get people together to make suggestions on how we can have a voice in government.

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