Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 14th. 2014

One of the greatest truths I have ever heard was this. "You are Gods." Not the old fashioned stern do as I say not as I do type of gods. Not the vengeful gods of yore. Nor the Gods who desire you devotion unwavering. Because it was the only words they had you were taught to believe in faith. Faith does not give you power over yourself or others, nor should it. Blindly believing is just another way to give power to others. Using fear and laws to control self and others is just plain wrong. For in that way lies only more fear and pain. Trying to manipulate and use others for your own gains bring neither happiness nor anything but more fear driven control.

So what do you replace faith with? Something that the Greeks and Romans, the Buddha's and the others did not have a word to describe. Something that has existed since the beginning of humankind. Something only given voice by poet's, artist and those we called insane or even worse witches and sorcerers. thoughts or even more real imagination.

Each of us needs to go deep within our self. We each need to see our ideal world. Populate it with things, songs, ideas and make it so real it becomes your goal in life. We then need to share our vision with others. Not just share but help them to create a vision for them self. then the two of you share your visions and incorporate that shared vision into each of you. Then you both must do the same over and over with others until it becomes the normal way of creating. When even ten of you share such ideals then they become reality. within a generation you can make those inner dreams and ideals reality.  You are no longer bound by stereotype, limited by convention, forced to play your role in life without any hope while here.

You no longer do what others desire, going along top get along. You have the capacity to build a world of peace, abundance and even love. You really become a god or goddess.

Use your imagination, share your world with others freely and as another who did the same said long ago "You will do all I did and more."

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper and Human Being 8/14/2014

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