Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thoughts 6/19/2014esh

What are the idiots thinking. ISIS is US trained and equipped and has so far taken the oil fields in Syria and Iraq and nothing else. So why the war drum beats? They have achieved the US/Saudi goal.

This is a local thing but my Retuglican opponent has every election run on a theme of people not politics. However he has supported the people whose name included Bank or Incorporated over human beings. He also was part of the government shutdown. He claims to be a MD however he criticized Rommney Care and has voted anti it every time. Yet he kept saying he had a better plan while it was being voted in but never introduced it. No he is again saying he has a better plan, just hasn't done anything about it. He also claims to be a christian yet votes against any and all public support in any form including food stamps. Did Yeshua put any restrictions on those he fed? Oh that,s right he follows the christians who use the Jewish law  to justify attacking the poor. What did the founder of his religion say about the law?  No Mr. Roe you are not serving the people who elected you nor your Jesus.

I just heard a news report about the influx of Illegal children across the border. They are fleeing a USA created problem. I am talking about the drug supply gangs in Central America. Lets legalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal problem. Regulate and tax the drugs like we do the worst drug in this nation alcohol which leads to more killings, car wrecks, marriage breakups and other social problems then any illegal drug does. That will solve the children fleeing drug gang violence. Then we have to kill NAFTA so the poor farmers of Central America can once again make a living. Those two things will solve our illegal so called problem. Though I don't think Native American peoples coming across our illegal border are the problem. After all we did steal Northern Mexico from Texas to California in order to make more slave states.

It is more then overdue to reform or change our government when the Koch's, Walton's, Rockefeller's and assorted other corporations and banks have the only say as to what our government does or does not.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thoughts 6/15/2014

My first thought is from my other work.
Elders wisdom:

What ever we do it has to be universally accepted and universally implemented. So no matter what it has to enter the political marketplace. Thus the best way to start the changes is to speak out about what is needed. Get the young involved and get out of the way. I hate to say it but too many have tried the I won't vote pathway because they are fed up with the way things are. Give them a choice. give them ideas that make sense and above all don't talk down to them. Remember we all have to work together if we are going to continue as a species.

Bob Smith Big Tree 6/15/2014

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have long since lost any truth in saying they represent the human beings of this nation. Both political parties have sold out to those people with a name of Bank or Corporation. whoever can pay the biggest bribe to them is who they serve. In muy opinion both parties are owned and operated by the same people. Occupy was right and thats why they unleashed the paid bullies to attack them.

Who has attacked the US in the last fifty years? Nobody that I know of. Cuba hasn't though they are still our number one boogyman. N. Korea has not, all they have asked for is to reunify. Russia has not attacked us, they do not want Iraq never poised a threat to us nor did Afghanistan nor the tribal people of Yemen, Pakistan, or even The Dominican Republic. So why have we invaded or bombed them? Could it be a out of control military thrashing around for a purpose that will support using almost every cent of our tax monies?

We have laws upon laws covering everything from who can speak out about problems in our world to where someone who is homeless can sleep or eat. However we have no laws to protect our rights under either the Constitution or Treaty. Why not?

What do you want to see changed or made better? that's what is important and should be part of your conversation with your representatives. I don't believe in top down government and just looking or listening to what the people running our government say they are doing. I believe that we have the right and the power to tell them what we want them to do. If not the are not representing us. so stand up, speak out and make demands on the representatives or fire them.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thoughts 6/13/2014

The only thing our government needs that it doesn't have is a Department of Peace. A Department dedicated to finding and implimenting peaceful solutions not just internationally but domestically also. A Department dedicated to thinking and working outside the box. To find solutions to such problems as how to discontinue the arms trade, bring peace between people at each others throat and even find ways to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons. That is one thing I intend to try to bring into being if I am elected to Congress.

On the same note, I think we have to reconfigure the National Security Council in such a way that it starts looking at and reporting  on dangers to the nation from within.

I also have a good idea of how to fix the VA. Instead of cutting and blaming the people in the VA how about giving it the money and resources it needs to do the job. the fault is not within the VA but in congress.

I don't know about others but Income Tax is and was a tax on profits not on wages. Even the Supreme Court Jesters have said that. So how do we with all the financial games corporations play do we tax them? It's simple whatever they declare as a profit gets taxed at 35%. Budget problems solved.

We need to start another WPA to get the homeless, the out of work and not even being considered people back to work. We need to provide homes for the homeless, medicine for all and education for all. If Sweden or other nations can do it why can't we?

Above all we need someone with authority to bring charges against anyone who violates any of our rights either Constitutional or by Treaty. this should be a civilian agency that can and will investigate and bring charges against the government or civilian violators. Deliberate violation of rights should be a automatic two years in jail and a million dollar fine for each offense. If a CEO or government official knew of such violations and did not do anything to stop them that person should go to jail also with the same fine.

All elections must be publicly financed without any outside fund raising.

Every person physically and mentally capable should serve two years of public service at minimum wage before going on to college or other things in life. that can mean service in any public capacity and not just war.

though I hate to ask for money I am asking for donations from $1 to $250 so I can buy some campaign ads. I wish I could just reach into my pocket and do this.

Bob Smith Peacemaker, Earthkeeper USN Retired and candidate for Congress from TN 1st. Congressional District  6/13/2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thoughts 6/11/2014

Our stratagem is working. Iraq will not ever return to a independent nation under one government. That is why both the Brits and US troop were caught early in the war driving around in civilian vehicles packed with explosives.  Turn the various groups against each other despite years of living in harmony

Trying the same thing here. Turn everyone against each other and destroy the government. What a great weapon for the very rich, a war of terror right here in the good old US of Amerikkka. That has already started.

The sad part is the rich have decided the homeless have no rights. Thus their goon squads (po-LICE) are arresting and even killing the homeless in the name of law. Have you ever wondered why the po-LICE went from protect and serve to beat and mistreat?

Remember the international bankers own and operate our government for them self. Until we deal with them the world will remain in chaos.Like it or not even our food, medicine, education and clothing is dependent on them.

One of these days people are going to wake up and ask what are we doing to each other and to the only world we have to live in. Until that day we will continue to war and misuse everything.

Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 6/11/2014