Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thoughts 6/15/2014

My first thought is from my other work.
Elders wisdom:

What ever we do it has to be universally accepted and universally implemented. So no matter what it has to enter the political marketplace. Thus the best way to start the changes is to speak out about what is needed. Get the young involved and get out of the way. I hate to say it but too many have tried the I won't vote pathway because they are fed up with the way things are. Give them a choice. give them ideas that make sense and above all don't talk down to them. Remember we all have to work together if we are going to continue as a species.

Bob Smith Big Tree 6/15/2014

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have long since lost any truth in saying they represent the human beings of this nation. Both political parties have sold out to those people with a name of Bank or Corporation. whoever can pay the biggest bribe to them is who they serve. In muy opinion both parties are owned and operated by the same people. Occupy was right and thats why they unleashed the paid bullies to attack them.

Who has attacked the US in the last fifty years? Nobody that I know of. Cuba hasn't though they are still our number one boogyman. N. Korea has not, all they have asked for is to reunify. Russia has not attacked us, they do not want Iraq never poised a threat to us nor did Afghanistan nor the tribal people of Yemen, Pakistan, or even The Dominican Republic. So why have we invaded or bombed them? Could it be a out of control military thrashing around for a purpose that will support using almost every cent of our tax monies?

We have laws upon laws covering everything from who can speak out about problems in our world to where someone who is homeless can sleep or eat. However we have no laws to protect our rights under either the Constitution or Treaty. Why not?

What do you want to see changed or made better? that's what is important and should be part of your conversation with your representatives. I don't believe in top down government and just looking or listening to what the people running our government say they are doing. I believe that we have the right and the power to tell them what we want them to do. If not the are not representing us. so stand up, speak out and make demands on the representatives or fire them.

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