Saturday, February 22, 2014

My intent

A government based on fear is not what I want. A government which is owned and operated by banksters, wall street racketeers and other scum is not what we want. A government of by and for 1% is not serving the people who produce the goods, fight the wars and try to just get by from day to day. So what can we do?

I don't know about the rest of you but this is what I am going to do. I am going to take my 16 heart attacks and stand up to the local political machine.I am going to take my two open heart surgeries and ask the people who has more heart, a paid off political hack or me. I am going to take my five times on the other side of death to demand change in our local, state and federal government. A change long over due. I am going to demand people start acting as stewards of the Earth instead of conquers. I am going to demand government listen to the needs of people instead of some idiot who's only reason is sheer greed. i am going to take on Presidents and political parties who are all owned and operated by the same few people. I am going to ask people to help me, advise me, support me and cheer me on.

Today without reservations, with no money except my Social Security check and Navy retirement, with no political organization to speak of, with no platform except to listen all the people to the best of my ability. With the ultimate goal of making this nation not a armed invader of the rest of the world but a nation all of us can prosper in and be proud of. A leader not in war on the poor, but a leader in standing for peace with all. Not by my self but withthe help from Christians who believe in living as Christ taught. Not by myself but with help from people who don't know if their is a god or not, but believe we can make this Earth better for our efforts. With the help of people tired of working twelve to sixteen hours a day, not to get ahead but just to stay even. With the help of teachers who put up with low pay, disparagement from the political hacks, and having to buy supplies out of their own pocket.  With the help of those living on just Social Security or disability chek, who don't even know if the food will last to the end of the month. With the help of the of the thousands of disabled Vets who have to beg the government  to get any help.

Today I stand up and say the hell with the Republicrat and the Democran same o same o party. I Robert N. (Bob) Smith am starting a campaign for Green Parties nomination and then to capture the seat of Tennessee's first Congressional District. I don't know everything, but a lot of wisdom resides in the people who I ask to support me. With them helping me to make bottom up government work, we will overthrow the Washington, Nashville or county and city strangleholds on our government and return power to all of us.

Anyone who agrees get a hold of me with your ideas, support and small ($250 max) donations. Give me a place to talk to your family and friends and above all sign up as Green Party and support me in what I am trying to do.  If you are younger, brighter and more able then I, stand up in my place, I will support you.

Robert N. (Bob) Smith USN Ret. and Peacemaker

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb. 19th.

The sentencing of the people who broke into the Y-12 complex at Oak Ridge is a miscarriage of justice. Whenever the law is more important then justice, when ever people are less than the government we established, it is no longer worth are respect or our support. Those who do not think the "LAW" should be tempered with justice are the problem today. It is they who are the criminals or foxes running the hen house. Demand Barry the Bomber pardon all three.

I sometimes reflect on the fact that Ben Franklin had formed treaty's with my people and when  he went to the Constitutional Convention had a outline of our government. They copied our form of government but included slavery, subjugation of women and took away the vote of any but the rich. Boy did they screw up in forming our nation. Before George the village eater had finished his first term as president he had the Shay Rebellion and then the so called Whiskey Rebellion which ended with the Bill of Rights, because the farmers who had been the troops were the people revolting. They should have demanded a return to the Articles of Confederation which had been much more inclusive.

With each Sunrise, Great Mystery gives all of us another day to shape as we desire. Not to stay in a rut but to use for the benefit of all of us.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Today again

Horizontal government and other things to think about.

We have two types of government. One govern's through fear. It uses police and military to enforce it's laws, even when those laws make no sense. The other governs through agreement of people as to what is to be accomplished. Which one would you rather live under?

My favorite memory of horizontal government comes from the very first council I was included in when I was 13 years old.
I can't remember what the subject of the council was, though I do remember it was about a problem my cousin Kathy reported to One of the Elders. Within a hour the word went out that council had been called and everyone should come after sunset.

It started when Kathy shared the problem with the elder who called the council. He then spoke of three possible solutions. Then he passed the talking stick and question feather to the next person. After three rounds with everyone including me stating what we thought the answer should be, all but one person was in agreement. If we failed to reach consensus after four rounds, the problem could not be brought up again for a year. I had been discussing things with a elder a few days before and remembered what I had been told,"If you can't get the answer yo a problem, many times it is because you are not asking the right question."  The fourth round started and I waited patiently for my turn to speak. I was next to the last person in the circle, so the debate went on as it had before with the same holdout . When it finaly came to my turn, I asked why he was afraid of solving the problem. Then passed the question feather to him. His reply was, "I can't afford to help pay for the solution right now. I only make money in the summer when the tourist come and I sell my crafts and food stuff." I then passed the question feather to the village chief and asked how will we pay for what is being considered. His reply was," We have a fund for just this type of emergency set aside, nobody will have to help pay for this."  I then passed the question feather back to the holdout and he agreed that the council should do what was agreed upon. Then having used up my time, I passed the talking stick and question feather onward. The person next to me said I recommend we have consensus. In a few minutes the solution was approved.
That is the difference between top down and horizontal governments. Which one would you prefer to live under?
BTW that resulted in the family who needed help cheering me, and as a result I got my first girlfriend. Not bad for a 13 year old boy.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What is the best form of government

Ask most people and they will give you different answers about the best form of government.

I had my Uncles father-in-law tell me one time that the communist system was best.

I have heard people proclaim no government at all is best.

 However every society from the most primitive to the most advanced has had government of some sort. Ideally such government would and should protect us from each other. However any government should do more. It should guarantee all it's people (human beings not artificial creations) shelter, education, health care, enough food and the opportunity to contribute to the well being of each other.  That is the minimum that any government should do.  Other things like building bridges, providing refuge to those who flee other governments because of lack of work, education, housing or justice and provide a public forum for all. I invite everyone to comment and add ideas for a better government. Remember the smaller and more open the government the better. Do we need ten thousand laws in order to govern our self?

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Today the political party with two heads has long since passed it's usefulness for the rest of us. The Republicrat Party and the Democran Party (same/same) are a conduit of bribes for the extreme rich. Neither despite their rhetoric do anything for the common people unless forced into it by the common peoples extreme anger. However they take bills written by and for the rich, and pass them for the money. The best thing is to outlaw these parties and outlaw such activities.

Going along with my first rant today is the forever status of corporations. We have gone from a United States which revolted over the granting of a corporation with exclusive  power to handle all trade between all the colonies and any other part of the world. They had also Gave to Congress the sole power to create money. Today the big banks create money and the hell with us. It's time to break up the big banks, the big communication companies and the big oil companies. All these act in criminal manner with no danger of any meaningful punishment. The best way is to strip them of corporate charters. That and jail the people who made the criminal decisions.

We need to force the revocation of the anti Bill of Rights measures in the Patriot Act and the NDAA, or jail the people who have violated the constitution or both.

We need to do away with the CIA/NSA who seemingly are above the law as well.

One of the best and safest ways to bring peace to the world is to limit the department of War to it's Constitutional limit of defending against invasion of this nation. Our military today is projecting legally or not our military presence and in many cases undeclared war over 110 other sovereign nations.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Today with the President thinking of executing another American by drone I have to ask, What about that persons Constitutional Rights?

Today with cop's doing illegal warrant less searches, what about the persons Constitutional Rights?

Today with our government bugging our phones/collecting, e-mail, mail and   phone data, What about our Constitutional Rights?

Today with the poLICE using force and dubious devised reasons for arresting people for peaceful demonstration or demanding redress of grievance, What about our Constitutional Rights?

Today with all our Media being owned and operated for profit by a handful of people, How can we trust the TV/magazine/newspaper news any more.

Today when the two major political parties are owned and operated by and for a small handful of people, how do we get our voices heard?

Today when banks can and do foreclose when that bank does not have the mortgage and doesn't know who does, what about our right to shelter?

Today with the cutback of food stamps, what about our right to food?

How many people have even read all of our rights, both under the Constitution and under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is a treaty we are party to?

Bob Smith Peacemaker. 2/15/2014