Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thoughts 6/19/2014esh

What are the idiots thinking. ISIS is US trained and equipped and has so far taken the oil fields in Syria and Iraq and nothing else. So why the war drum beats? They have achieved the US/Saudi goal.

This is a local thing but my Retuglican opponent has every election run on a theme of people not politics. However he has supported the people whose name included Bank or Incorporated over human beings. He also was part of the government shutdown. He claims to be a MD however he criticized Rommney Care and has voted anti it every time. Yet he kept saying he had a better plan while it was being voted in but never introduced it. No he is again saying he has a better plan, just hasn't done anything about it. He also claims to be a christian yet votes against any and all public support in any form including food stamps. Did Yeshua put any restrictions on those he fed? Oh that,s right he follows the christians who use the Jewish law  to justify attacking the poor. What did the founder of his religion say about the law?  No Mr. Roe you are not serving the people who elected you nor your Jesus.

I just heard a news report about the influx of Illegal children across the border. They are fleeing a USA created problem. I am talking about the drug supply gangs in Central America. Lets legalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal problem. Regulate and tax the drugs like we do the worst drug in this nation alcohol which leads to more killings, car wrecks, marriage breakups and other social problems then any illegal drug does. That will solve the children fleeing drug gang violence. Then we have to kill NAFTA so the poor farmers of Central America can once again make a living. Those two things will solve our illegal so called problem. Though I don't think Native American peoples coming across our illegal border are the problem. After all we did steal Northern Mexico from Texas to California in order to make more slave states.

It is more then overdue to reform or change our government when the Koch's, Walton's, Rockefeller's and assorted other corporations and banks have the only say as to what our government does or does not.

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