Sunday, August 10, 2014

Thoughts Aug. 10th. 2014

The only way we are going to have world peace is for the United States to stop using it's military instead of diplomacy. The only way we are going to do that is to put a cramp on the Banksters who own our politicians. After all they make tons of money off of our constant wars and threat of wars. Because every shell, every bullet and every billion dollar defense system is a one use throwaway. As are the troops that do the invading, occupying and dying. Why do you think they underfund the VA? The only thing that matters is the continuous war. However the last time the United States was invaded was in 1812, so why do we fight wars for Banksters and Corporations? Remember that the United States is just a extension of what used to be the Roman Empire with the same objective and same outlook. It's only purpose right now is world domination (New World Order) for our corporate masters.

 I was taught growing up that the only form of government that is worth anything is one where every person has a direct voice and direct involvement. All other governments including that of the United States is a government based on fear and control. Which would you rather govern you a system of top down fear controlled or one where the needs and thoughts of everyone are part of the system?

I can see no difference between Jew and Palestinian. Or between Russian and Amerikkkan. Both are made up  of human beings,male and female, each with a life that is just as valuable. So why do we send soldiers to kill each other. While the other side does the same. That is the definition of insanity. No wonder our troops come home with PTSD.

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