Saturday, July 5, 2014

Thoughts July 5th. 2014

I have been thinking about war and violence. I have thought about how I have participated even to saying nothing when I observed it. I no longer am able to do so. It doesn't matter if it's the USA attacking Iraq for oil, or the local police beating up someone because they can. It's all wrong. I remember Grandmother saying a long time ago something I had forgotten until now. She was sitting in the kitchen while I was washing plates from supper and Kathy was cleaning the table and then getting Grandmothers sewing basket. Grandmother turned to Kathy and said "I understand you were in a fight with Nancy today." Kathy responded with a low "Yes." Because she knew from Grandmothers tone a lesson was at hand. Grandmother looked at both of us and motioned for us both to sit down. Then clearing her throat she said. "Do you remember the story of Cain and Able?' before either of us could reply she said Do you remember what Cain said when Great Mystery asked him where his brother was?" Kathy chimed in "Am I my brothers keeper?" Grandmother nodded and continued. "Yes Am I my brothers keeper and the two legged have been searching for the answer ever since." She looked at both of us again and then continued. "Your brother or sister is everyone on Mother Earth. Just because the government says you have to go to war and kill someone you don't know and have no quarrel with or he/she kill you doesn't make it right. That applies to fighting and even revenge also so both of you go apologize to Nancy in the morning. You for fighting and Bobby for cheering you on."  All three of them are gone now, so that conversation was about to be lost forever.  Just had to share it.

Bob Smith July5th. 2014

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