Monday, July 7, 2014

Thoughts Jul. 7th. 2014

You want to know why we get such crappy politicians, it's easy organized crime buy's them. By organized crime I am talking about the Banksteres, Wall Street Racketeers and Corporate Heads who love our one party two branches system. After all no matter which party wins, the crooks still own them.

I attended as a guest one of the full gospel churches a whle back. Didn't know if I was in a church or a Republican gathering. No wonder church membership is falling and half the church was empty. If I wasn't with friends I would have walked out. Maybe I should have, preacher asked me back after the sermon and I said I don't think so, nothing you said would go along with what Yeshua said and did. Friends don't come around much any more.

The only religion and people I have found who really are for peace is the Hopi nation. Least peaceful religion I note is a tie between Jews and Christians. Islam is a close third for being warlike. Guess no one has ever read the story about Cain and Able, except my Grandmother.

Has anyone noted that every where we export our democracy, the people end up poorer, the utilities stop working and the crime rate sours. Just like Amerikkka. No matter how much money we send to other nations, it always ends up as weapons being used against the people. That or propping up a criminal as head of government. Just look at the countries we have supported. Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Columbia, and so on. All pillars of democracy (not) and supporters of all the people. Our latest help to become a democracy like us is Syria which faces pirates who kill and cannibalize the very people they are supposed to help.

Bob Smith 7/7/2014

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