Friday, July 11, 2014

Thoughts July 11th. 2014

I can't remember where I first heard this or why. However I see more and more the truth in the statement. "A expert is a drip under pressure." A expert is not someone who seeks new knowledge, new ways of doing things or new ways to apply old knowledge.  A expert is the guardian of keeping things the same forever. Perhaps we need less experts and more original thinkers. More people who stand up and say this is wrong or say why don't we try something new.

Why should we export our so called civilization to another planet. We have never shown any real sign of civilization here. Do we show any sign that we have learned, hell the Israeli government continues to treat their neighbors like they were treated by the 3rd. Reich. Including mowing the grass in Gaza every so often to keep the people imprisoned within more or less quiet.

Why do we allow corporations to treat human beings like slaves? Use them, beat them into submission of the job. Then discard them as useless eaters. The real useless eaters are those who call them self capitalist. they do not contribute anything to making or selling the crap they expect us to buy.

On Sat. who is going to have a drum circle, round dance or whatever to change peoples minds? Who is making signs to post or getting people to join in the protests against legalized murder which we call war, the legalized murder which we call lack of medical treatment or the legalized murder committed by the po-LICE?

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