Monday, July 14, 2014

Thoughts July 14th. 2012

Once more a so called war is being conducted against a people who have no army, navy or air force to resist. If that is not a war crime then I'll eat my hat.

By the same token we are still fighting so called terrorist in Afghanistan. How can they be terrorist when it is the people of the country trying to throw out invaders? If China invaded Amerikkka and imposed it's government upon us, I would be a terrorist also. Besides the reason we supposedly invaded other then building a oil pipeline from the Caspian Basin to Pakistan was to get Osama.  Main reason we are staying is we found a lot of resources that our corporations want to get their hands on.

Over and over I see that the price of photovoltaic is competitive with other sources of electricity. Over and over I see that wind sources are now capable of being in the backyard. for the cost of one new nuclear power plant, we can outfit many thousand buildings with renewable and tie all of them to the grid. Guess what free energy not just for the buildings but for the grid itself. No pollution, no worry about storm damage taking out the grid and only the maintenance of the grid itself as cost. Just using output factors published if every home in the six miles between here and town were to be used, that would supply most of the power needed in the whole county. That's not even fifty homes. Going by that Greene county coould install on every home and business and export energy on the existing grid.

The promises most often broken are the one's mad to self. The one's which you are going to do someday. Who needs a bucket list if you decide you are going to do something someday. Today is someday. Do something to bring life to that dream. After all most people are so busy making a living that they forget how to live.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 7/14/2014

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