Just thinking to myself about physical fitness,\. I used to have a six pack but traded it for a keg.In reality I didn't think I would ever have Dunlop Disease. You know where your belly dunloped over. I used to be able to run twenty or thirty miles a day. Now its about twenty steps. As my age meter went up my fitness meter went down. Now one is running on empty and the other is sputtering along.
I left the church I grew up in, not because I didn't take any of the scriptures at heart but because the church didn't. a old saying I remember well "Children learn from both your words and your actions." I took the words to heart and found the actions far from what they preached.
Fear and hatred are things all too many teach the children today. Most of the isims are taught before a child turns thirteen. Some of the worst are Nationalism, Racism, Sexism and so on and on and on. We have a agenda then to teach every young person not to hate, fear and give up in despair. We have to help them earn that their teachers were wrong because they to were raised in a climate of fear, and learned the wrong lessons. Not because they were bad but because that is what the people running the various nations desired to be taught. We now have to reteach and rebuild not with fear and hatred but with cooperation. We need a new pledge of allegiance that includes all of us. I pledge allegiance to nonviolence, to helping others to become the best they can, to learning to live and work in harmony, and above all to helping make my community,my state, my nation and my world better for me being part of it. We have to become examples of what we profess to believe or our lessons will not take root.
Two of the worst isms are in full display in the waring of otherwise sane and honorable people on others today. Proponents of Nationalism, Racism, Buddhism, Judaism and so on are killing each other in various cobflicts around the world and the only ones gaining from this stoked hatred are the banksters.It's a old and well learned trick of those in control. Turn those who suffer from our policies against each other by blaming whatever consequences they are suffering on the different other. Keep them poor and keep them hating and we can sell all the weapons, all the war machines and so on over and over. After all a billion dollar aircraft here, a million dollar tank there, and pretty soon because the banksters are financing both sides, it amounts to some real money.
I remember something one of the people the banksters and fear mongers killed because he taught love said. Ye shall do everything I have done and more". Well that potential still exists, if we would just pick it up and run with it.
Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker and Earthkeeper 7/28/2014
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