I have been a Peacemaker since 1979. the Elders who named me that said since I had been a warrior for 20 Years it was time I became a voice for peace. My duties include speaking out for the poor, the voiceless, the wronged and the one's who are used for others gain. I am to speak out against violence everywhere. I am to stand between armies and say "No to WAR." I am to speak out against injustice. Above all I am to speak for the poor, the children and the people who have nobody to speak in their behalf. I am to feed the poor, condemn those who use religion to enrich self and teach cooperation as the way to the greatest good.
This is a duty among former Native American warriors. However today I ask everyone to become a Peacemaker. I ask all of you to speak out on behalf not only of humanity but all Mother Earths CHILDREN. In other words the residence of this planet such as animals, trees, birds, fish, the creeping one's the crawling one's and the invisible life forms.
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