Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thoughts July 27th. 2014

I was thinking of the underfunded and misconceived VA. Amerikkka has never treated it's veterans with anything but contempt. How many know that Mr. Washington and Mr. Hamilton used their official positions to lay claim to all of the land on the frontier. Land promised to and settled by the veterans of our war for independence. Not just that but they began treating the poorer people including those veterans like the King had his colonies. So they rose up in what is called the Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion and made demands on the government including title to the land they had cleared and built homes on. Mr. Washington himself led the troops to pit down the Whiskey Rebellion, which instead spread from Western NY and PA into Western VA. Only then did the government pass the Bill of Rights and give title to the land those Veterans had claimed as promised to them. Mr. Hamilton also bought up most of the script used to pay those troops which was almost worthless. then cashed it in at full value.
that means a government by and for the rich and the hell with everyone else has been the norm since the Constitution which did away with government by the people under the articles of confederation. Only the landowners and the trades people who owned their own tools had any rights under the new Constitution of the United States of America. Nothing has changed since 1779. Even justification for war. Look what happened when forty four forty or fight was a presidential campaign theme. We invaded Canada and got our ass handed to us by the British troops. that little excursion into trying to steal others land and resources was called the war of 1812. So instead we decided everything West of the Appalachian Mountains though it belonged mostly to the Native American Tribes was fair game including the areas settled by and part of Mexico. In every case promises were made to the people who fought our battles but never honored. Just like the Bill of Rights only applied to those with money. We need to sit down and write our own constitution, but not allow any corporate whores and so called upper class to have anything to do with it. That's what the RICH did to bring about our current constitution. Which is why they had to do it in secret. They created a republic which was nothing more then a continuation of the same government for the rich they had overthrown.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) 7/27/2014

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