Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thoughts 7/17/2014

Why would the government use paid agents to spread disinformation, false accusations and even entrapment against free speech on the web? Unless they are so afraid of us they are shitting their pants.
That's why they also want to make criminals out of reporters and news services like Wikileaks.

Israel is again committing more war crimes and crimes against humanity and lying about protecting them self from terrorist. The truth is they want to destroy the Unity Government between the West Bank and Gaza. Probably using a false flag killing of children to do so. Seeing as how they blamed Hamas without any proof. How about all the children they kidnap , torture, falsely imprison or kill? How about the illegal building of settlments in the West bank or the allowing of so called settlers going and killing their neighbors?

One of the best things I learned from the elders at Kinzu was that if a government keeps telling you the same thing over and over look hard at the propaganda. Most likely they are doing exactly the opposite.

Somebody was saying something the other day on a list I belong to about the Golden Rule. Another person responded with he who has the gold probably stole it from you. I hadn't heard that version before.

Unfortunately the government at all levels and the political party (RepublCrat or if you prefer DemoCran) are wholly owned branches of the Coch industries, Banksters and Wall Street Racketeers. The two headed monster that controls our voting is a criminal organization designed to extract bribes before selling to the highest bidder. No democracy exists within the banana republic of Amerikkka. Nor do the few corporate CEO's, Wall Street Racketeers and Banksters intend to allow democracy to ever break out.

The game Monopoly is very accurate. It was first designed to teach the truth about our economy and still does. Under capitalism only one winner is ever allowed.

If we could devise a game to counter Monopoly what would we name it and how would we play working together for the good of all? I don't care who gets the credit but we need to create a game where everyone wins.I don't know how but we need to create such a game and release it in online or board game form yesterday.

Old Mary taught me back in the early fifties that "Whenever you see a need, let everyone know. someone else or better yet many people will have parts of the answer."

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