Friday, May 16, 2014


Having lived in both Saudi Arabia and other nations I should be able to find truth in news somewhere. I have found it in LUV News here in the USA ( Also in a minor newspaper with English translation available in Israel. Sometimes from Russia today as long as it isn't covering certain subjects. Ususalyy from English versions of German and Portugese newspapers, as long as they are apart from government control. However I can not find it in NPR (National Propaganda Radfo) nor in any of our TV news sources. They have no journalist. Taking whatever corporate or government crap is the latest propaganda and not even trying to check the sources. Definitely not the NY Times which gets caught publishing outright false stories almost every day. It is the very nature of the media in the US of Amerikkka to deceive, cover up or falsify anything the 5 owners of all major news sources do not want us to know. Search out and listen and read independent news sources. You might even learn something.

I long ago quite voting for Republicans and Democrats. If you think they are different I have a bridge in NYC to sell you. all you have to do is watch what they really do rather then the lies they trot out every election cycle. that and see who is the biggest donors to their election bids. In every case you will find out the biggest bribers are bribing both major party candidates. No wonder the latest study finds that less then a few dozen people control our government and none of them are elected. Government at every level from local to national and lately international is for sale to the highest bidder.

You want to follow Jesus, do so. He gave explicit words on how to live in the Sermon on the Mount. He gave explicit examples in his own life. No matter how the religious leaders twist and use the Bible in order to control you, You can't go wrong if you feed those who are hungry, heal those who are sick, teach those who are seeking, condem anything built on power or riches, and see the Great Mystery in everyone you meet. Doesn't mean you have to trust them especially if you find them lacking in trustworthiness. Remember the Rich Young man and what he choose. He received his reward in the gold and lands he owned and not in anything of real value. Remember the religious leaders of his day, they were as bad as those who lead people today. We call them today Catholic, Protestant or even Morman but they are mere men using portions of the truth in order to enrich or place them self aver your life. Remember what Jesus said about the Law and the Prophets. Look not at a persons color, sex, religion or wealth but how they treat others no matter how different or what personal choices they make. We are all related a truth noone can change by using religion as a excuse to attack or condemn another.

Seek your answers not from me or anyone else. Seek instead within yourself. Use meditation as a tool to relieve stress. To give greater clarity to your thinking process, as a tool for renewal or to find that Pearl of Great Price.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacemaker, Earthkeeper, and fallible human being 5/16/2014

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