come people participating in peaceful gatherings and legal protest
are arrested with overwhelming force. Yet the police and politicians
who ordered/used that force on those people are allowed to go free
and use excessive force and illegal arrests on other people. The
biggest criminal organization in NY is the NYCPD and most of the
members should be in jail today. Along with the politicians who allow
them to grope, sexually assault, manhandle, beat or murder who ever
they want when ever they want. Not just that but lie about what they
do and how.
good is a bill of rights which has no criminal penalties attached to
it? What good is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights when no one
enforces it? What good is a Constitution when it only protects the
greedy or rich?
when all the human beings on this planet have a voice in how they are
treated. Only when every human being every law, every common expense
and every relationship is open and honored will we be able to call
our self civilized.
government does not start with the rule of law. Law's are made by fallible people. Good government starts with each and every one of
us. How we treat others and how we live as a example for others. That
is the basis of what government should be. Good government starts
with each of us standing up and saying no more to this dysfunctional
government we have today.
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