"Thank you for your service". Like support the troops a meaningless platitude which is said instead of really talking to the Vets. about what they encountered, what they need and above all having to think about the sacrifices they made so you can go shopping. Why do you think the Vets are committing suicide in record numbers? Why are they homeless in greater numbers then the rest of the population. Why are they alienated from the society around them? Why is the VA so badly underfunded that they do not have the people, resources or even buildings that don't leak? I escaped the PTSD trap because I had elders who listened to me. who gave me a purpose above and beyond what I had done before.
They told me I had served as a warrior for far to long. That from that day onward I had to serve as a Peacemaker. I had to stand against war and the horrors of war. I had to stand against the mistreatment of any be it because of the Nationality, Race, Sex, Religion, Abilities or any other reason for mistreating or ignoring others. I have made a few others become Peacemakers, however not enough. Peacemakers are still not honored or accepted in our society. Despite it being written in the majority hole-y book, "Blessed be the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of god."
How many know that the only winners of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the banksters and wall street racketeers who make money from the death and destruction. They did not and never have endangered our freedoms. They never had any way to bring war or destruction to our shores. However Saddam was willing to sell oil without using us dollars. For that crime he was hung. The Taliban refused to turn Osama over to us without any proof he had anything to do with 9-11. Besides they had refused to allow a American Corporation to build a oil pipeline across the nation. Guess what was the first project started after the Taliban were thrown from government by our troops. Guess what was protected from being seized or damaged after we invaded Iraq. Guess who's oil fields are being eyed by the corporate owners of our President and Congress now. why continue the fake war on terror, Osama is dead and that was our excuse for going to war?
My new favorite quote is "Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason."
Our constitution and Treaties are supposed to be the Supreme Law of the land. However the politicians ignore both unless the Banksters and Wall Street Racketeers can make a profit from enforcing them. What rights do you have today and who guarantees them? Ask our Native Americans what they think of treaties we have forced on them at gunpoint. The only part of the treaties the US has lived up to is the part where they took our lands.
I repeat the Republican and the Democrat Parties are both the same party. Both have a criminal purpose which is to solicit bribes and sell our government services to the highest bidder. What do you get other then a form letter when you write your congress sleeze about anything? How about when contacting your State or local reprehensible representatives. so why do we keep electing these people. Because they are the least evil of the two? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you in NYC.
We are the greatest war mongering nation on the planet. We still are following the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. It wasn't over when we placed the last of the tribes in prison camps we call reservations. No we overthrew the government of Hawaii then annexed that nation as one of our states. We tried to annex Cuba and the Philippians. However the people threw us and our corrupt puppet rulers out. However we can not provide decent schooling because we don't want to raise taxes. we can not provide decent healthcare because we don't want to raise taxes. We can not take care of of Veterans because we don't want to raise taxes. We can not provided food, housing or opportunity to the people because that would drain off some of the money the Wall Street Racketeers are pocketing. If they get less money then our politicians will loose their own racket. So we go along with a government that on no level serves the needs of the majority.
Have a happy Memorial day, don't forget to buy, buy, buy at our great consumer sales. Don't forget to have a barbeque to celebrate the beginning of the summer season.
Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper 5/26/2014
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