Friday, May 9, 2014

thoughts 5/9/2014

I hear many saying the best government is no government. This is a fallacy, government has existed since time itself. Government is the commons. That which we are able to do collectively that no individual is able to do alone. Our parks, roads, bridges, airports and all of our commons. Things like the REA, Common markets like the farmers markets are all part of government.. Things like the council to solve problems that affect all, that is the function of government. For no one person has the training, ability or inclination to do everything necessary to accomplish what is necessary for living. Government only exists to serve people. When it fails to do that, it's time to replace that government with something that serves us.

 Every animal except one has a purpose in nature. Every animal serves a unique part of it's environment except one. What is the purpose of the human being? Just about all legends from around the world give it in one form or another.  Our purpose is to be the caretaker of our Mother the Earth. The garden of Eden still exists, it's just that we have mistreated and damaged it beyond recognition. Time for all of us to renew the garden.

War is called for by our so called leaders once again. We called for a war on poverty and it worked. We have more poverty today then during the so called great depression. We called for a war on drugs, it worked. Today illegal drugs are more available then ever. We called for a war on terror, it worked. How many school shootings, and other terrorist actions do we hear about today. It's time to quite calling for more wars. Every time we go to war the only ones who are in the gun sights are normal human beings.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) 5/9/2014

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