Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thoughts 5/25/2014

Ukraine and Egypt are both overthrowing elected leadership by ultra nationalist US owned interest. Can't have any nation acting in it's peoples interest. Of course that applies to the US of Amerikkka also.

The legends of my people, the Jewish people and so many other peoples say our purpose is/was/will be keepers and guardians of our Mother the Earth, which in one way or another is described as sacred/holy or Great Mysteries footstool. where did all of us go wrong?

Once again I must speak out about our political party the Demopublican/Republicrat Party which is/was and will be a criminal operation designed to shake down whoever for bribes (campaign contributions) and sell their service to the highest bidder. The secondary purpose is to make sure nobody else has a voice in what is going on.

Will someone tell me what purpose Wal-Fart serves other then to sell us junk that poisons us, falls apart on the second use or helps to control us.

I know what purpose I serve this morning. Ace comes in from his morning constitutional and jumps in my lap. He remains there until he is either dry or warm before he does anything else. Thus in his mind at least I serve as a dryer or heater. Plus the additional purpose of being his pet.

I have to laugh. So many people I know are sure the Bible is both infallible and God's word. It is also not supposed to be translated. However it was composed probably in Iraq  no more then a few hundred years before the common era. It is also in the case of the King James (of England) a translation of a translation of a translation. Written primarily to justify the actions and rule of the British Royal Family.

You or I steal from a bank we go to jail. A bankster steals from us and gets rewarded with additional money.

I serve the most thankless and hardest job in the world. I am a Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. Neither is looked upon as worthy of anything but contempt. Despite the fact that Peacemakers are mentioned in the book called holy. "Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be  called the sons of God." However I will continue to serve both purposes until all life on this planet dies. I also remember that one thing everyone has to stand up and be counted for is the question "Am I my brothers keeper?" The answer is self evident, we are.

Bob Smith 5/25 2014 C.E.

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