Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Parasites and other things

A parasite is a living thing that lives off other living creatures but does not provide any benefit to the what ever it lives off of. Numerous examples are available all of which if even mentioned bring other examples to mind. Mosquitoes, intestinal worms, some forms of bacteria, and ticks.

Probably the most harmful form of parasite I can think of is the human being. Even then you have to classify them as to how much harm they do to the other living creatures around them.

At the top of the parasitic food chain have to be those who never earned anything with common labor. This would include the Banksters, the Wall Street Racketeers, the Donald Trumps, Rockefellers, Koch brothers and other vermin who inherited and live off of the labor of others without contributing anything in return. Most of them live off of the combined labor of thousands of other parasitical human beings including many who also contribute nothing to advance or make life better for the rest of us.

The first layer below them includes many who actually think they are contributing to society. The worst of these are the military and the almost military so called police. They herd, kill and destroy the other layers of humanity on command. Even if for no reason other then being told to do so. Most of the top level parasites owe their position to either public or private armies.

Above and below these layers of parasites is another layer called poly (many) tics ( a blood sucking parasite). This is a layer including presidents, Congress critters, judges and other vermin used to give the top layer protection from being pulled down by the lower layers. It's usual mode of feeding is some form of bribery, called for some reason campaign finance. This layer of parasite provides cover for the top layer and suffer in place of them when the rest of us revolt.

At the bottom layer are the people who all these layers of parasites feed off of. This includes the dreamers, laborers, cooks, factory workers, small farmers, artist, clerks and teachers. This includes those duped into believing they might get ahead if they work harder. Others it includes are those who go along to get along, Those so busy making a living they forget how to live, Those who have given up because they have been beaten down so much they have quite trying and those who still dream of a better way. I Am a dreamer, what are you?

Bob Smith 5/7/14

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