Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thoughts 5/18/2014

Either we are all working for a liveable planet or we are all dieing from the same causes. No one person can make this difference but each that tries bends the outcome toward what is needed. One of these days we will either reach the point of no return or where most of us live in harmony with Mother Earth, your choice.

The United States took advantage of resentment against the very rich in the Ukraine to sponsor a overthrow of the government by NeoNazis. Then furnished the same Nazis with weapons and help from Blackwater to force the rest of the people to submit at gunpoint. Are you proud of the US government involvement?

The one percent have perfected the system of control. Kill or discredit anyone who might lead the rest of us into taking control away from them. Turn everyone against each other. The poor whites against the poor blacks , even turning tribes against each other by pleading limited resources and by limiting how much they supply various tribes. They use race, religion, ethnic background or whatever perceived differences they can manufacturer. It works we are so busy hating any one different from our self that they continue to steal and use us without being thrown out. This includes Republicans and Democrats which both stand for and do the bidding of the 1 % without fail. Yet pretend to have opposite views. Even the Tea Party is owned and operate and financed by the 1 %.

Have you thanked the most hardworking of our other relatives? The Earthworm aerates our soil, converts stones to dust and even brings needed minerals to the plants among who's roots they reside. If your yard or neighborhood is infested with sickly brown patches and choked with invasive weeds, obtain and introduce worms to it and watch the changes. If you want a healthy garden without having to use pesticides and chemicals in it, add mulch and earthworms and enjoy.

If you fear or look down on other animals, remember we are the most dangerous animal and the most destructive on Earth.

Bob Smith (BIg Tree) 5/18/2014

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