How come the US of Amerikkka has been at war for all but 21 years since it came into existence. Could it be that we have been governed by sociopaths the whole time? I know Mr. Washington was one.
What if the White Christians get to heaven and find out their God is Black?
The Whooorld Bunk ( excuse me World Bank) is the supreme criminal enterprice. Who owns it?
Instead of free land, free buildings, tax relief and so on that our counties are giving to attract business to locate here, we spent a equivalent amount on a community owned business, using local management, local workers and local suppliers. What if the first business we made local was the cable company? After all I have not heard of anyone happy with Comcast.
Did you know you can grow crops with cold frames and a second cover year round everywhere in the US of Amerikkka? I grew tomatoes and leaf lettuce in containers on my apartment fire escape in Maine. When frost came I moved them inside the glass door and continued to have fresh salads up until Feb.
When you think about buying clothes at Wal-Fart remember they won't last more then a couple of washings. Do you really want to buy poorly made junk from them when you can spend a few dollars more you can shop elsewhere and have your clothes last?
Speaking of Dollars, why accept a IOU from a private bank which has nothing to back it. Lets demand congress create a five dollar, ten dollar, 20 dollar, 50 dollar and hundred dollar coin and put the Federal Reserve out of business. That or create local currencies which are backed by goods and services.
Since the Republican/Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise designed to extract the maximum bribes in order to sell it's service to the highest bidder. Lets all vote independent or Minor party. Other wise if we boycott the elections they will just have their own membership vote and nothing will change.
Human beings are as much a part of nature as lions or snakes. Our purpose is to be caretakers for Mother Earth and all her children. Where did we go wrong?
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