When you wake up in the morning remember that this day is a fresh canvas for you to paint your life on.
I don't know who this Pete Peterson is but I know he has bought the Republican Party. Probably like all Wall Street racketeers wants to control the money in the fund to further enrich himself. Free market my a##. Wall street is a casino and the house has all the odds.
Neither the Wests war on Muslims nor the attack on the French Journalist are either right nor justifiable by any religion.
When you support the troops remember you are today supporting a bunch of mercenaries. That is what any bunch of armed people who are working only for pay. That is what our military has been transformed into by the all Vol. do away with the draft has caused it to become. Not only that but for the most part they are being used to support and enrich not the USA but international corporations.
I am asking each of you to picture a world of peace and plenty for all, then to quote Star Track "Make it so".
Remember that to live means to be full of energy. You can not create or destroy enegy so the only thing that happens at death is that enegy is transformed into a different form.
Bob Smith USN Ret., Peacemaker & Earthkeeper. 1/9/2015
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