I am sick and tired of so called christians attacking the poor, those who are darker shaded and those who they want more from. The latest attack was performed by the elected Retuglican mock christians. The same people who support war everywhere. Now they are attacking the disabled with their attacks on Social Security. I don't remember Jesus refusing to heal others because they couldn't pay. Nor do I remember him demanding a test of those he fed. In fact if I remember when he found a disabled person he told them to take up their bed and walk, or cured the blindness. However our pseudo religious leaders seem to really worship only money. What happens when they meet up with Jesus and he tells them I know you not?
How could so so called leaders walk in support of freedom of the press when in their own nations they are the first to attack the press.
If our constitution is so good, how come the extreme rich wrote it in secret, kicked out anyone who wasn't in alignment with them and overthrew the existing government. Oh they Also put down two rebellions over nobody but them having any say in government. Though that ended with them grudingly giving us the Bill of Rights which they have ignored or applied only to them self since.
Today I call for a new open Constitutional Convention to replace the one we have which exalts property over human needs. No Politicians, no so called religious leaders, just people who are willing to say enough of the worship of money. Lets hold it any where except Philadelphia/ Washington, DC and lets get it passed with basic human rights guaranteed above even the power of government.
in fact if it were not for the need for roads, bridges, and other shared needs I would call for the disolving of all governments.
Bob Smith (Big Tree) peacemaker, earthkeeper and human people.
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