Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thoughts 1/25/2015

Over fifty per cent of the US total budget for the year is for War. Why the hell should that be? If we spent a fraction of that on peace think how much better off we would be. Besides does our military by invading other nations to steal oil and other resources for multinational corporations make us any safer? It's time to remove the politicians who sell their soul for green junk with "In God We Trust" printed on it and for the people of the world to say "I will make war no more forever." It's time to say the banksters who finance both sides of every war are criminals and need to be jailed. Remember the Bush family financed Hitler. Nations rise and fall, maybe it's time to do away with nations and start remembering we are all human beings. Perhaps it's time to try something different. After all we have fought wars throughout history and what in the long run did those wars accomplish? Perhaps it's time to form a peoples council, open to everyone and having one purpose to settle disputes. One purpose to end wars and greed and solve the problems created by us. Including those of hunger, poverty, sickness and strife.

Bob Smith Human being, Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

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