Well February is upon us. Grandmother who never traveled much except among the Seneca and her relatives in Titusville, PA said every Feb. first that if February had two more days nobody would survive it.
Tomorrow is the Super Bore. I still don't know what it has to do with raising children, earning enough to live on, getting a education, building community or anything important.
The Senate has passed the pipeline construction bill. That just shows how much the government is for sale to the highest bidder. I was taught that the government was there to protect everyone, build things like the interstae system that no company could or would, make sure children received a good education, provide for the least among us and protect us from greed. So what happened?
US Army hails success of Afghan training screams a headline today. Success, when the biggest danger to the soldiers is the people they are training. For that matter, what are we still doing in Afghanistan? After all the reason for invading was to get Osama Ben Lauden. According to the propaganda we got him, so end of mission. Get out and allow the people of that nation to decide how they want to live.
For that matter why do we have bases all over the world, Germany is not a enemy now so why bases there, same with Japan. For that matter why do we have bases anywhere except here in the United States? After all the mission of the military is to protect us from invasion. Can't do that in some other nation. As for protecting or insuring profits of some mutinational company which doesn't even pay taxes here is stupid. If they want our protection let them pay for it.
The NYPD is getting machine guns. WHY? This is the same police force that choked someone to death for selling cigs? The same police force that attacked people assembled to share their dissatisfaction with our wall street racketeers and destroying the personal property of those people without a court order in violation of the Constitution. Instead of giving them more weapons to use against the people, either do away with them or limit them to protecting the people they work and live among.
When the government no longer serves the people it's governing, it either has to be changed or done away with, your choice.
I invite comments either in agreement with or in opposition to my thoughts.
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