Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thoughts 1/27/2015

As much as I can think, I can not understand why the people of Amerikkka put up with the most corrupt government ever assembled at all levels. The Republicrat/Democran party has but one purpose, to maximize the bribes it gets for selling our governments services to the highest bidder.

Have you received one of the politicians news letters bragging about the accomplishments they have done in your name? Or have you written or called or e-mailed only to receive a prewritten form letter saying something about wanting to hear from you and haven't made up my mind about this or that. Then finding out they voted against your best interest once again. Remember the only way you can influence your town hall, county government, state government, national government is if you write to them in the form of a large check. If your name is Walton or Koch you can buy the politicians by the dozen but if your name is Jones, Smith or Doe forget it.

Perhaps I can see a way around this. Outlaw all political parties and make each candidate accept limits on political spending. That or do away with the local political powerhouse by canceling the town charter. That or start a council type organization to discuss local matters, with anyone and everyone. Get the people involved in local decisions and then when you figure out a solution go as a group before the criminal organization and say we have decided this is what we need.

Oh yes and eliminate the party designation or lack of same from the ballot and list all candidates by name only. Demand that candidates talk about local issues and what they think should be done. At least that would be a good start. That or remember governments have one purpose. To protect everyone, to serve everyone and to accomplish what business and self interest can't do.

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