In the last week I have lost all faith in M.D."s (medical dumbshits). How can your primary care dumbshit say he can't find anything wrong with you when you have the following? One hundred four temp. A rattle in your chest, Throbbing headache, Vomiting and diarrhea. Just because he can't see anything in a chest x-ray and no raised white blood count nor test results for flue. I have a appointment with a cardiologist next week and if he doesn't offer any help with my chronic shortness of breath and inability to walk more then fifty feet, I won't go back to either. Sent me home to use my breathing treatments and tylonol.
Speaking of MD's just got word my daughter has been taken to the ER with irregular heartbeat. Waiting to hear more at this time.
Hilarious, Bilery or is it Hitlery is still running with the backing of the banksters. She hasn't changed since she got fired from the Watergate probe for lack of ethics. Once a crooked lawyer always a crooked lawyer. Another thing though both her and Bull were and still are Republicans running in sheep's clothing. Either woman who ran from the Green Party are twice the woman she is.
Just heard abut another drug arrest locally. Two young college students got caught after a traffic stop with a ounce and a half of Pot. We have long since lost the war on drugs. So why not legalize all of them? That way we can tax and regulate them like alcohol or tobacco. That and treat addiction like what it is. A medical problem and not a criminal problem.
Another fake war in the middle east. We created the ISIS, armed them and trained them, so why are we fighting them now. For that matter, what authority is the Presidunce using to send troops and planes into this conflict? As far as I know the last time this nation declared war was in 1941. So why are we still on a wartime basis in half the nations in the world?
Getting ready after a gap of 34 years to do a painting. My subject will be Grandmother. This will be from memory because I have long ago lost all of my pictures. Mom threw most of them away.
Been asked to teach based o my Elders Wisdom. Said yes but don't know how valuable my teaching would be.
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