Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thoughts 10/12/14

The politicians brag about our all val. military. While not raising taxes to pay for our wars. Not raising the amount of money to care for the wounded and people coming back. Not helping people to reenter society after being in hell over and over. Too many are coming back with one skill and only one skill. That skill is a professional killer. One mindset, do what your told when your told. One future, a minimum wage job or homeless on the street life.
Why because the big corporations have taken over our government and they have one mindset. That mindset is greed at all cost. From Main Street to the state houses to the Capitol and White House it is the banksters and corporations who own and operate our government. People who if they can't make a bigger profit, have no intention of sharing any money with the workers or to maintain our infrastructure. Thus we have income tax which by definition is a tax on profit. However that tax is now not on profits with corporations like Bank of America or GE not paying any tax. On the other hand those earning wages (Which ARE NOT PROFIT), have to carry the burden of government at all levels. Why because the invest in politicians through legalized bribes. So why do we keep reelecting the rats who have sold us out?

Bob Smith US Navy Ret. Peacemaker and Earthkeeper. 10/12/2014

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