Today is special day as is every day. Today someone asked me if I have any hope for mankind.My answer is yes I do. Not as we are today a fear ridden, consumer society. Not as a top down leadership society but as a new /old society. I have been trying to preserve Teachings of the elders who helped raise me. I have also had visions of the future and like most visions they show to outcomes, each based on the choices we face today. Some of those visions show dark and bloody outcomes. Some show A transition into a new and very positive change in society. Both are within reach of the people I know, love, interact with and cherish.
The society I have been trying to preserve is goes back anywhere between 1000 and 10,000 years and is the oral traditions and teach hings of one small place in the 1950's. A small doomed Seneca Community called Kinzua on the banks of the Allegheny River in NW Pennsylvania. A community that even as i was growing up and visiting often had the shadow of a 700 ft. dam just downstream.I am working on a book, parts of which I have shared as Elders Wisdom. A book I hope not only will connect people with the tribal and cultural past but even more give us starting points to change both our selves and our world. It is that which gives me hope because many people are seeking to live such in every day life. Not remotely and culturally outside of every day life but in every day life no matter where they find them self.
Today i have been following the news which is mostly about prejudice, war and crime. A news that if taken literately brings out the most dark and dire of the future I have been shown. A time when mobs storm the capitol and all capitols. A time when politicians decorate every light pole in Washington, Dc and even the local town halls are torn apart board by board by the people they are supposed to serve. A time when Nuclear war touches not just remote nations but even Chicago and Houston. A time of starvation, rape, killing and little hope for anyone to survive. Though even then small pockets some even within cities will come through. Though I pity the rich, the banksters and the movers and shakers of today for they will face the same end as the French Aristocrats. That is the dark side of what I was shown. I will probably see the beginning of this if it comes about. That like I said is a matter of choice, not by the powerful but by people like you and I.
I also have received more then usual questions from people today about how to change what they see as modern slavery. What they see as a return to the world of Dickens and Scrooge. People who are looking for someone to lead them out of the wilderness of our war ridden, world of the homeless, the unemployed, the sick and the class/racially profiled dog eat dog world. I can give them pointers but they are the ones who have to change society. They are the people who have to take Elders Wisdom and other teachings and make those as starting points to create a heaven on earth. This to I will probably see the start of. Once again it is a matter of choice by the very people who will read what I have to share today.
In the mean time I have been asked by those on the other side to come back and help bring about the good changes. Changes in government where the government is not only for the people but is the people. Not a government which serves only those who can afford to buy the politicians. A government which sees every man woman and child as resources for and valuable to the community. A government where mankind is not apart from nature but a part of nature, conserving and renewing the world for the future generations.
Today I spent much of my day trying to get the appointments set up at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Institute. Because if I am to do what I came back from the dead to do I have to be stronger and able to get out in the community more. Hope to go and see what they can do with a tired old body.
Sometime tomorrow I will complete my seventy third trip around the Sun. So even if the mD's can not do anything for me I have had a great ride.
Bob Smith Peacemaker/ Earthkeeper and human being.
March 30th. 2014
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