Another night without much sleep. Had to take more Lasix to get rid of excess fluid. Heart Failure is nothing to sneeze at. It guarantees one of these days I will drown because of it. Talked to a nurse at Cleveland Clinic and she offered hope for help in overcoming this. Even said I can get a same day or next day appointment in their clinic. They also have low cost stays in local motels as part of their service. Still have to come up with the money to make the trip. See what I can pawn or sell in the next few days.
The Washington Puke (excuse me Post) had a OpEd calling for war with Iran. Whoever wrote it and the editor who published it both had better lead the invasion. War never did anything but create misery, famine, rape and other nasty outcomes for the people involved. Even or troops are affected. After all when you have been taught all your life, not to kill and then are ordered to kill, it does something to you. No member of the military is anything more then a trained killer. No member of today's military is anything more then a paid assassin. Oh I forgot, our military brings in plenty of money for the banksters and the arms makers, so we have to be at war 24/7/365(366). We have to make enemies and occupy every square inch of Mother Earth. That my friends is manifest destiny.
Trying to figure out how to raise enough food here at Refuge this year to keep the local food bank well supplied. It's hard when you spend a lot of time flat on your back. Wish I had a way for everyone who needs it could come here and grow food for them self. I would find a way to donate seeds and even gas for my tiller. Would also like to create a permanent camp here for the homeless, would require a community kitchen and bath, but after that small shelters for individuals and families would be fine. Would also like to set up a market for all the artist and craft people in the area to sell what they make at a reasonable income for them and a reasonable price for the buyers.
The Subprime Minister of Israel has finally admitted he does not want peace or a two state solution. That has been apparent for anyone who watched what they did rather then what they said all along.
I still say our so called Federal Reserve is nothing more then another pyramid scheme to allow a handful of people to own everyone and everything.Anytime the worlds currency has it's value set by the cost of oil something is wrong. What backs their worthless paper any way?
Bob Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper
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