Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thoughts 3/15/2015

The Nuttyyahoo is complaining about foreign governments wants him out. Perhaps if he would withdraw to the recognized borders instead of dreaming of a nation the extends from Mt. Arrarat in Turkey to the Euphrates to Jedda in Saudia and to the Nile in Egypt Foreign governments might trust him and his plans more. Great Mystery has never given land to any people but those who live within it. Then they have the duty to protect and keep it clean and safeguard it from those who would despoil it for mere money.

Palestine has been thought of as holy. Can anyone show me anyplace which is not holy, which has not felt the touch of Great Mysterys hand? Can anyone show me a place that a Earthkeeper has not tried to keep strong, natural (holy) and safe as a abode for all creatures not just mankind?

Here in the United States, so much has been raped, mined, violated and paved over by the worshipers of the great supreme god money that very few places are left where a man or animal may go to be close to nature. Be thankful for the few holy places we have made into National Parks.

The original instruction was that mankind was to be the caretakers of this planet. To take only what we need and leave the rest for the next seven generations. What happened to being good stewards of what we were given to care for?

The greatest crime is that of making war on each other. Nowhere does that crime make children safe, keep the air and water pristine or allow the farmers to feed us. Nowhere does war make the conquered feel grateful for the invasion of others, the killing of wives, parents and children in the name of greed. Nowhere does war help to bring people together in good. All war does is create fear, terror, lack and resentment. Lets tell our fatherland/motherland/homeland politicians we will make war no more, starting now. Politicians have used war and fear to rule for way to long.

This morning I woke up early because I was having trouble breathing. My congestive heart failure once again has caused me to retain over ten pounds of water so I gurgle when I breath. I need to go to Cleveland Clinic to see what can be done about my heart failure as I am getting only palitive care here in TN. Only problem is I can't afford to go and stay for a extended time so they can work on me. So here I sit, gasping for breath and writing about things that have always mattered to everyone.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith Peacemaker and Earthkeeper

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