Friday, March 27, 2015

Thoughts 3/27/2015

The biggest terror organization in this country is the FBI/TSA/DEA/Local po-LICE/ect. The biggest terror organization in the world is the US Military, which has one job to kill and main as many people as it can.

Lets face it the Democrat/Republican/Tea uni-party has only one function. To sell the service of the government we support to the highest briber.

Name one person, no matter their sex, religion, race or education who does not have something special to offer to their family, community or the world. Thus nobody should ever be terminated by any po-LICE or Army.

If a business can not make it without corporate status after twenty years it does not deseve to continue in business. If a corporation does not serve as part of it's purpose some public good, then it does not deserve to be a corporation. No corporation should be allowed to buy any government through legal or illegal bribes. Nor should any corporation have a say in the regulations governing it. If any corporation pays out money to buy the service of a government bureau or political party it should be charged with bribery. it's officers should be charged with maintaining a criminal enterprise . Upon conviction the corporation shall be confiscated and sold off to recover the public monies the would have come in otherwise. In fact I don't know why all business isn't local, sustainable and governed by the same people who use it's services. Nor can I understand why banks should be allowed to create money. This includes the bank owned bank called the Federal Reserve.

Next week I will be going to the Cleveland Clinic to see if they can help me with my Congestive Heart Failure, Badly damaged heart or whatever you want to call it. Woke up short of breath again this morning. Last night I was feeling weak and after checking everything else took my blood glucose reading. It was down to eighty.

 Remembering back when I was a kid. One of the elders who taught me and the other children at Kinzua had lost his leg in WW1. With his crutch and determination he took part even in the dances. Wish I was as strong and determined as he was. I seem to remember he was a combat medic and was wounded at Guadalcanal. Never did hear his story from him. I try to pass on what I was taught but wish I knew more of the stories of the people I knew then.

One story I was told about was that of Old Mary. She was rounded up from one of the SW tribes, though I don't know which one and sent to Indian School. Both her and her best friend got pregnant by the minister running the school. Her friend accused the minister of rape. She was accused of lying and beat to death. Mary snuck out of the school that night and hid in nearby woods. She was found by a Seneca Warrior who took he back to Kinzua, where she had her baby.  she was adopted into the tribe and a few years alter married the first of six husbands, all of whom she outlived. I was told she had seven children, all of whom she outlived.  She also had eighteen Grandchildren, only two of which were alive when I knew her. She had thirty great grandchildren and At the time of her death six great-great grandchildren. She was 102 when I first met her and passed on four years later. She was one of the softest spoken and wise women I ever met.

Bob (Big Tree) Smith

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