Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Unions or trade organizations were formed around protecting the members. As such they have both negotiating options and hell raising options. some trade organizations such as the AMA and the American Bar Association were formed and still serve the singular purpose of keeping the income of it's members as high as possible. Unions on the other hand have several responsibilities, chief among them is obtaining fair wages for the members.  Another reason for their existence is to ensure safety, protect against harassment and protect against unjustified workplace rules. Yes they can negotiate in good faith, but that is not the end of what they can do. Remember workplace safety started in NY after the Triangle fire, though the unions had been fighting for safety before that. Unions also brought about the eight hour day, paid vacations, the forty hour week, medical coverage, pensions and a bunch of other things. It's time to reinforce these things which the corporations are doing away with. These things were not won by negotiations. They were won buy outright HELL RAISING. They were won by work stoppages, strikes (even wildcat), occupation of the workplace, slowdowns, and even the wrongful convictions and killing of union members. As May day approaches, I wan't everyone to remember that May Day represents more then just a celebration of Spring. It is celebrated as workers day or Union day in the rest of the world. That came about because of the murder of Union people on strike in the Haymarket Massacre by the Chicago Police. Remember though the police have one of the strongest unions today, the use of excess force, violation of rights including the first amendment and due process is not new. Po-Lice or armed thugs to protect the rich have been around for centuries. It's time to form a universal Union to protect us from the Rich and the governments they own. IT'S TIME TO USE SIT IN'S, WORK SLOWDOWNS, BOYCOTTS, STRIKES, AND HELL RAISING TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF ALL OF US FROM THE RICH AND THE GOVERNMENT THEY HAVE STOLEN FROM THE REST OF US. FOR THOSE IN RELIGIOUS institutions PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS MEANS STANDING UP FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER AND ARE IN NEED.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) 4/22/2014
Please pass this on if you agree.

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