It seems to me that a living wage which will support a family or allow a person to get ahead with current inflation rates is more like $25 then it is $15. So why not demand a return to a minimum wage that reflects this adjusted for inflation?
Since banks have turned into the Mafioso's of today why not break them up,, sell their assets and jail their upper management?
If each and every person in the world has something special to contribute and each and every person is important, then why are we not providing shelter, food, education and medical care for all of them?
Who is the ideal ruler of any nation? why you of course and you and you and you and me. Horizontal government with everyone having a say in whats done with our commons is the government of the future. It takes everyone's input. It responds to changing needs and changing information, and above all it makes sure everyone is involved.
What do you love doing? What special talent do you share with others that makes all of you feel good? Why not share your special ability with others?
When everything gets to be too much, try listening to the breezes, listening to the sound of moving water or listening to the the other sounds of nature. It does help and just 15 minutes will do to remove the pressure of everyday events.
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