Friday, April 25, 2014

Today I am thinking of what I would like to see the world become. For
the two legged people I would like to see government by consensus. Free
education for all. Something to replace the IOU's issued by banks which
we call money. Health care for all, without restrictions imposed by
insurance companies and the greed of our sick care system. Shelter as a
human right. If we have a representational Government then let our
representitives be drawn by random from all people being represented.
Food as a right and not something beyond the afford-ability of some. A
government that guarantees all people who live get paid enough to live
on. Everyone has the right to live and contribute, be it a stay at home
parent, a artist, a care giver, a small farmer or even a story teller or
medicine man/woman. That animals and nature have rights also, and not be
managed for man's convenience. that war's be outlawed and all arms be
destroyed including those carried by the police. Can anyone help me with
how to formulate a constitution which would bring my dreams into
reality? Can anyone help me to bring a constitutional convention to
bring this form of government into being? We have to change our bought
and sold system quickly before we all become extinct.

We have a very powerful thermonuclear device which is conviently away
from population centers, produces energy beyond any foreseeable needs
and is not being used very much right now. It's called the sun. Lets use
it and get rid of our present power systems.

In every health care situation I know of, nobody stands as a voice for
the patient. nobody coordinates between the various care providers.
Nobody looks at the physical, mental and spiritual needs of people to
make sure they have everything necessary to get well if they are sick
and to stay well if they are well. this is provided as part of the care
among so called backwards medicine people, but not in modern medicine.

Many of societies ills could be solved if we had talking circles where
each had a say in turn and each had to listen to the others story. More
could be helped by teaching some form of meditiation that people could
heal their emotions from within. Of course this would not go over too
well with the extreme proponents of control. After all our religious and
political leaders maintain their status and power by laws and control
over the followers. If you don't believe this read 1984 again.

I wish everyone a good day and enough.

Please comment and share these thoughts with others. Maybe you have
ideas you want to see also.

Bob Smith (Bigtree) Peacmaker, Earthkeeper

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