Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Corporate People

Corporations are people? However they can't be jailed for committing crimes. they can't die unless their owners kill them or sell them to a bigger competitor. For the most part if they deliberately violate the law and are fined, thats just a cost of doing business. They can and do own more then one elected or appointed official., so how do we deal with these super people? They don't even for the most part pay their fair share of taxes. In fact they have turned the income tax structure on it's head. After all by law Income Tax is a tax on profits, and wages or salary are not profits. so somehow they have the customers and employees paying the taxes for them. Not only that but somehow or another they have made it imposable for it's customers to get any where near the compensation for damages they do to us by deliberate fraud and shoddy products, nor can we do anything about false advertising because they have free speech, which somehow the government denies to us mere human beings. Lets return Income tax back to a tax on declared profits. Lets limit corporations to at most forty years lifespan unless they serve some public good. After all if a company can't make it without the special breaks of corporate hood after forty years it's very poorly run and does not deserve special treatment to continue. Above all if a corporation kills someone by deliberate action or inaction, kill the corporation. Not just that but charge the management which made the corporate decision and seize the assets they funneled into their pocket and jail them for the crime.  Let the very first death penalty be for buying of our elected officials. Who should also be jailed for a minimum of fifty years for accepting bribes.

Bob Smith 4/9/2014

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