When a phone call was released from one of our ambassadors, I knew we were plotting to overthrow the government of Ukraine. My worst fears were realized shortly after. The people wanted what we all want, to change a corrupt government.
It can be done without violence because otherwise you just change one corrupt government for another. The change has to be done above the level of the government to the people who manipulate our system. They are those who think they are entitled, who think they are better the everyone else, who above all think they own more and need more. Yes the people we have to overthrow are those who think having more, a bigger home, more money and even more control. Come to think of it I guess in the United States that would include all of us to a great extent. Not because of who we are, but how we were raised. So how do you visualize bringing the changes you really want to our government, our towns, our church's, our workplaces or our family?
Bob Smith 3/9/2014
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