Sunday, March 30, 2014


Getting ready to do some planting. Will be cold weather crops but still looking forward to it. Playing in and walking barefoot in the dirt are my favorite sports.

Just watching the none news a little while ago. Two news programs and both have nothing new except the missing airliner. What a waste of my time.

If a bill fails we need to set a time limit before any more like bills can be introduced. At least a year. That was the limit on anything that failed passage in the council circles I participated in.

Even though I am running for office i am beginning to doubt that is what is needed. Unless we hold a peoples Constitutional Convention or a revolution we are not going to change our government for sale mentality at all levels.

Seeing as how the attempt to hold Wall Street accountable for our current mess was met with coordinated force, I doubt the police/military would allow any major change. Not unless they saw the pay and benefits they have start to go away. this is happening.

DC is so used to getting away with lying all the time, I doubt if any except the lowest levels of government even knows what truth is. Don't expect truth from the President or  any Congressional leader. In fact don't expect truth from any member of either major party.

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