How many people running for office are asking others what they need from the various levels of government?
Does anyone really think that religious freedom gives the right to impose their beliefs on others? My thoughts are the same as if you punched me or my sisters in the nose. Your rights end at my skin. Neither I nor none believers, different religious groups nor individuals who walk their own path should have to submit to your beliefs. The only people who should follow your religious beliefs are the people of your religion.
I just received a robocall pitching something. How many people have been interrupted by such calls. How many people are tired of somebody trying to sell them something they neither want or need? If I read a newspaper or magazine I can ignore the sales pitches, if I listen to the radio I can ignore the sales pitches, If I watch TV I can mute the commercials, How do you ignore a telephone call?
How many rights do we have that are ignored or violated by our government? What about the right to meaningful, paid work for all even the homemaker. How about the right to shelter being guaranteed. what about the right to speak freely and not just in a free speech zone. Even more important is the right to have government at all levels listen not just to the bribers but to everyone.
As for my position on woman's right to choose, it's simple. Three girls 12 and 13 years old were gang raped by among others local law enforcement officers. All three ended up pregnant. One of the 12 year old girls committed suicide. One passed on by bleeding to death from a illegal abortion in a cheap hotel room in Buffalo, NY. The third had her baby before she turned thirteen. She raised a beautiful daughter but had to endure every guy in the county married or unmarried hitting on her until she left home. One of these was a cousin of mine, the other two were neighbors. I can only say that in 1953 that was the only choices these girls had and nobody won except the police who committed the rapes.
If you don't like what is going on in the world including wars, religious persecution, or anything else, don't complain. Get off your butt and do something about it. The biggest danger in the world is the United States Military which enforces the right to salve labor, oil rights and other rights of corporations. If a company can't do business within another nation it's not our job to send in the troops. Let the company fail.
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