Thursday, March 20, 2014


Words are mere symbols. If I use elephant do you see a big lumbering animal or just a word. the same with the word red. How do you process the word red? do you see just a word (color blind excluded) or does your memory bring up the color itself? So why the war on such words as God, Gezus, Allah or even my own term Great Mystery. they all describe a intangible and unknowable something. As do the words country, state, nation or kingdom which are no more then exstentions of tribes or villages. Or the most loaded words of all, Man and woman. these words characterize the sexual function of people and not the worth, capability, value or real place in society.

No matter what the drug companies and medical business says remember no drug, no M.D. no nurse no medicine person or therapist has ever cured anyone. all of these are helpers in your quest to cure yourself. all healing after all comes from within. without the will to overcome you never get well.

Why are the antibiotics just increasing the drug resistant bacteria they are designed to kill? could it be that single  antibodies are not very efficient. Look at the defense mechanism of both the bacteria and the original sources of our antibiotics, they both have multiple antibiotic strains or agents. So why not on resistant infections use multiple  different antibiotics? that way the infection being treated will have to fight off mutiple different attacks. Even drugs that the infection is supposed to be resistant to when used in combination should work together. In my opinion this is just common sense.

People want health care, shelter, food, medical care, education and a sense of purpose or meaningful work. so why are all these things now the dominion of the banksters and wall street racketeers? Why aren't the politicians doing something to remedy this need? All of these things should not be controlled by the crooks of Wall street but a given right of the people. How about a real safety net by paying the producers, the sellers, the cooks, the cleaners and the support people a living wage. Oh I forgot our government is for sale to the highest bidder.

Today is the day you paint the rest of your life.

Bob Smith 3/20/2014

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